Bulb log confusing


        Hi, when I use OTBR to commission a matter bulb(52840DK), I found this log:

I: 7371 [DL]CHIPoBLE connection established (ConnId: 0x00, GATT MTU: 247)
D: 7448 [DL]Indication for CHIPoBLE TX characteristic done (ConnId 0x00, result 0x00)
D: 7458 [DL]Write request received for CHIPoBLE RX characteristic (ConnId 0x00)
I: 7465 [EM]>>> [E:56828r S:0 M:35595140] (U) Msg RX from 0:F63C429D97108018 [0000] --- Type 0000:20 (SecureChannel:PBKDFParamRequest)
I: 7478 [EM]<<< [E:56828r S:0 M:246233778] (U) Msg TX to 0:0000000000000000 [0000] [BLE] --- Type 0000:21 (SecureChannel:PBKDFParamResponse)
D: 7491 [DL]Sending indication for CHIPoBLE TX characteristic (ConnId 00, len 159)

        I have not found above RX/TX log in matter codebase yet, can you tell me the file path? 

        Besides, I want to know the RX/TX raw data, may I ask if there are any methods to obtain them in syslog?




