I measure the quiescent current of Thingy:91X (v1.0.0) with enabled BLE connectivity bridge.
To my surprise, this seems to be significant larger than that of a Thingy:91 (v1.6.0) with BLE enabled.
The used connectivity bridge for the Thingy:91X is "thingy91x_nrf53_connectivity_bridge_v2.0.1.hex".
I used a PPK II and replaced the battery with an adapter in order to measure the overall consumption when sleeping.
My values:
Thingy:91X with BLE enabled: 100µA
Thingy:91 with BLE enabled: 30µA
Is that considered to be at that 100µA? Or will that be improved towards to values of the Thingy:91 in the future?
(Just to mention, without BLE enabled, both values are pretty fine with about 25µA. So I consider, this depends on the BLE connectivity bridge.)