I have BLE TX Mask failed to the spec. as shown in the attached image. It seems noise floor is high. TX outpower at +4dBm (see attached CLI). Please advise.
I have BLE TX Mask failed to the spec. as shown in the attached image. It seems noise floor is high. TX outpower at +4dBm (see attached CLI). Please advise.
I'm using DTM software from Nordic to run TX continuously. Command lines from DTM is also attached in the images.
Yes, if you compare to IEEE standard, it passed. I think compare to other Nordic chips, the far out noise floor should be much better than -80dBm, right?
Are you testing on a Nordic DK ? or some custom hardware?
Are you testing on a Nordic DK ? or some custom hardware?
not on Nordic DK. On our custom board.
The results look ok and is what we would consider expected. The -60dBm result that you have there is perfectly normal.
If there is some specific certification you are going for then that would be nice to know and maybe we can look more in to this then, but as the results stand now I don't see any issues here as the device would pass FCC or similar tests.
We can have a look at the custom board files and schematic and provide some feedback for best practise for our devices if you want that.