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How do you "bind" (pair) 2 NRF2401 modules together to avoid interference from other module pairs?

Our application is developing RC units for small (indoor) model airplanes - we want to be able to have multiple planes flying at once without "stepping" on each other.

The NRF2401 documentation provides a method for using "pipes" to support a 1:many or mesh type network, but we want to isolate a number of 1:1 pairs of TX/RX modules.

Is there a way to digitally bind the TX and RX units together at startup? Other commercial RC units (called "Bind N Fly") have the user move the throttle joystick full up on startup to indicate the TX is looking to bind with a nearby RX (done at low power so the RX must be physically close to the TX).

We have searched the documentation but can't find any information on "Binding" - other than pipes, which is limited to 6 channels, we need more like 25 independent channels.

Thanks in advance

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