Hello Team,
Our concerns are related to L4 security in BLE
1. We're using nRF54L15 chipset having nCS SDK 2.9, peripheral LBS example mentioned in this exercise (Exercise 1 - Nordic Developer Academy), we needed authentication to be enabled for BLE connection while we're exploring characteristics, so we enabled Level 4 with BT_GATT_PERM_WRITE_AUTHEN or BT_GATT_PERM_READ_AUTHEN, we are able to access the characteristics defined in L4 using android nRF Connect app (As it allows us to add key while bonding) but not able to access these characteristics using nRF Connect app iOS app as there's just connect option app, can you please help us with how do we able to access these characteristics once we enable L4 security.
2. Our another requirement is to enable L4 security, we're configuring BLE Mesh & BLE GATT (PB-GATT) both in our application, so as per above mentioned exercise, we were able to experiment L4 with the help of peripheral lbs sample, we need to experiment the sample having BLE mesh & L4 security being enabled in configurations so that when proceed with BLE connection we need to add passkey while pairing.
nCS SDK V2.9.0
Chipset - nRF54L15
Thank you,