Change the bitrate LC3 codec.

I want to change the bitrate for different settings:

Different settings with 48khz&10ms:

I try ot change the prj.conf to add these:


But an error occurred during compilation:

I want to know how to change the bit rate in unicast and broadcast.

Application: sdk-nrf-2.9.0\applications\nrf5340_audio


Thank you for your reply.

  • Hello,

    In unicast, we can't change the bitrate arbitrarily. We need to stick to the preset defined in BAP:

    CONFIG_BT_AUDIO_PREF_SAMPLE_RATE_48KHZ=y  //result to 48KHz SpS, 96kbps
    CONFIG_BT_AUDIO_PREF_SAMPLE_RATE_24KHZ=y  //result to 24KHz SpS, 48kbps
    CONFIG_BT_AUDIO_PREF_SAMPLE_RATE_16KHZ=y  //result to 16KHz SpS, 32kbps

    please note that CONFIG_BT_AUDIO_BITRATE_UNICAST_SRC/SINK has no effect. 

    When broadcasting, you are a bit more free to do as you like. You can set the bitrate and sample rate, e.g. like this:

    CONFIG_BT_AUDIO_BITRATE_BROADCAST_SRC=32000  # set the bitrate
    CONFIG_BT_AUDIO_PREF_SAMPLE_RATE_24KHZ=y # set the sampling rate to 24KHz, we also support 16KHz
    CONFIG_BT_AUDIO_RETRANSMITS=2 # the default is 2, just for reference if you would like to change it

    Best regards,

