NRF7001 Wifi Xo Val trimming

On the NRF7001 module there is a "Determine the trim value" section in the documentation. I have followed the "Receive-based approach" to determine the CALIB_XO value. This process requires you to set up an external VSG to transmit a carrier wave at a 0.5MHz offset to the operating channel frequency. The device the computes the Xo Val using the detected carrier wave.
However, I have noticed that without transmitting a continuous wave, calling the "nrf_wifi_fmac_rf_test_compute_xo()" function. The function still returns a "SUCCESS" status.

I would like to know what the result would be if I called "nrf_wifi_fmac_rf_test_compute_xo()" when the Xo Val has already been set. Would this result in the function returning SUCCESS even if I was not transmitting with an external VSG.
I was expecting the function to return an error if I did not transmit the carrier wave and tried compute the xo val, it is returning SUCCESS, and I am not sure if this is intended or an error.

Any Assistance would be much appreciated, thank you.

  • Hi, 

    Yes, the function does not have a check for detecting tone. So, it returns "SUCCESS" even though the tone is not transmitted.  We need to think about adding Logic to find out the absence of tone. We will add this to our backlog list of tasks.

    The function returns the optimal XO value. It does not check whether XO val has already been set. 

    Amanda H.
