On the NRF7001 module there is a "Determine the trim value" section in the documentation. I have followed the "Receive-based approach" to determine the CALIB_XO value. This process requires you to set up an external VSG to transmit a carrier wave at a 0.5MHz offset to the operating channel frequency. The device the computes the Xo Val using the detected carrier wave.
However, I have noticed that without transmitting a continuous wave, calling the "nrf_wifi_fmac_rf_test_compute_xo()" function. The function still returns a "SUCCESS" status.
I would like to know what the result would be if I called "nrf_wifi_fmac_rf_test_compute_xo()" when the Xo Val has already been set. Would this result in the function returning SUCCESS even if I was not transmitting with an external VSG.
I was expecting the function to return an error if I did not transmit the carrier wave and tried compute the xo val, it is returning SUCCESS, and I am not sure if this is intended or an error.
Any Assistance would be much appreciated, thank you.