Right way to Integrate an edge impulse C++ library and porting existing nrf52dk Zephyr based C code in to C++?

I have trained a ML model and then exported edge impulse c++ library and now I need to integrate this to project and convert the existing c base in to c++.

I have the following tools:

Nrf connect

ncs v2.4.2 and zephyr rtos

question:existing nrf52dk Zephyr based C code is working is fine as I have tested it well,Is it possible to port it to C++  by changing the main.c  and other .c files -> cpp (including the C++ edge impulse library) and do the pristine build again?

apart from adding c++ configs on prj.conf, is there anything that needs to be done?

edge impulse directory:

existing CmakeLists.txt(Under current project): Is there a need to add the edge impulse files in to existing CmakeLists? 
