BLE Mesh DFU failed to update

I run this sample on two NRF52840DK, but I cpouldn't do the update, here is the log:

*** Booting MCUboot v2.1.0-dev-12e5ee106034 ***
*** Using nRF Connect SDK v2.9.0-7787b2649840 ***
*** Using Zephyr OS v3.7.99-1f8f3dc29142 ***
I: Starting bootloader
I: Primary image: magic=unset, swap_type=0x1, copy_done=0x3, image_ok=0x3
I: Secondary image: magic=unset, swap_type=0x1, copy_done=0x3, image_ok=0x3
I: Boot source: none
I: Image index: 0, Swap type: none
I: Bootloader chainload address offset: 0xc000
*** Booting Mesh DFU Distributor v2.9.0-7787b2649840 ***
*** Using nRF Connect SDK v2.9.0-7787b2649840 ***
*** Using Zephyr OS v3.7.99-1f8f3dc29142 ***
Current image version: 1.0.0+0
[00:00:00.008,819] <inf> fs_nvs: 2 Sectors of 4096 bytes
[00:00:00.008,850] <inf> fs_nvs: alloc wra: 0, fa0
[00:00:00.008,850] <inf> fs_nvs: data wra: 0, 68
[00:00:00.009,185] <inf> bt_sdc_hci_driver: SoftDevice Controller build revision: 
                                            2d 79 a1 c8 6a 40 b7 3c  f6 74 f9 0b 22 d3 c4 80 |-y..j@.< .t.."...
                                            74 72 82 ba                                      |tr..             
[00:00:00.011,383] <inf> bt_hci_core: HW Platform: Nordic Semiconductor (0x0002)
[00:00:00.011,383] <inf> bt_hci_core: HW Variant: nRF52x (0x0002)
[00:00:00.011,413] <inf> bt_hci_core: Firmware: Standard Bluetooth controller (0x00) Version 45.41337 Build 3074452168
[00:00:00.011,657] <inf> bt_hci_core: No ID address. App must call settings_load()
Bluetooth initialized
[00:00:00.011,810] <wrn> bt_mesh_access: Unused space in relation list: 7
[00:00:00.266,448] <inf> bt_hci_core: Identity[0]: E4:86:0D:85:49:FD (random)
[00:00:00.266,540] <inf> bt_hci_core: Identity[1]: F7:5B:FB:6F:BF:CB (random)
[00:00:00.266,571] <inf> bt_hci_core: HCI: version 6.0 (0x0e) revision 0x106b, manufacturer 0x0059
[00:00:00.266,601] <inf> bt_hci_core: LMP: version 6.0 (0x0e) subver 0x106b
[00:00:00.269,897] <inf> bt_mesh_provisionee: Device UUID: cf0cca08-c9c3-40d7-b0f3-35f7363c0f28
Mesh initialized
Authentication for SMP over BLE is disabled
Recovered identity for SMP: 1
[00:00:00.275,238] <wrn> bt_mesh_dfu_srv: Wrong state
[00:00:10.291,717] <wrn> bt_l2cap: Ignoring data for unknown channel ID 0x003a
[00:00:14.548,522] <inf> bt_mesh_main: Primary Element: 0x0047
[00:00:14.548,522] <dbg> bt_mesh_main: bt_mesh_provision: net_idx 0x0000 flags 0x00 iv_index 0x0000
[00:00:14.863,952] <dbg> bt_mesh_health_srv: attention_off: 
[00:00:16.709,228] <wrn> bt_l2cap: Ignoring data for unknown channel ID 0x003a
[00:00:17.670,440] <dbg> bt_mesh_cfg_srv: dev_comp_data_get: net_idx 0x0000 app_idx 0xfffe src 0x0001 len 1: 00
[00:00:17.670,440] <dbg> bt_mesh_cfg_srv: dev_comp_data_get: Preparing Composition data page 0
[00:00:17.971,282] <dbg> bt_mesh_cfg_srv: default_ttl_get: net_idx 0x0000 app_idx 0xfffe src 0x0001 len 0: 
[00:00:21.780,487] <dbg> bt_mesh_cfg_srv: app_key_add: AppIdx 0x0000 NetIdx 0x0000
[00:00:31.530,181] <dbg> bt_mesh_cfg_srv: get_model: ID 0x1401 addr 0x0047
[00:00:31.530,212] <dbg> bt_mesh_cfg_srv: mod_bind: model 0x20001588 key_idx 0x000
[00:00:31.530,212] <dbg> bt_mesh_cfg_srv: mod_bind: model 0x20001588 id 0x1401 i 0 key 0xffff
[00:00:31.530,242] <dbg> bt_mesh_cfg_srv: mod_app_bind: status 0x00
[00:00:38.055,511] <dbg> bt_mesh_cfg_srv: get_model: ID 0x1403 addr 0x0047
[00:00:38.055,541] <dbg> bt_mesh_cfg_srv: mod_bind: model 0x200015b0 key_idx 0x000
[00:00:38.055,572] <dbg> bt_mesh_cfg_srv: mod_bind: model 0x200015b0 id 0x1403 i 0 key 0xffff
[00:00:38.055,603] <dbg> bt_mesh_cfg_srv: mod_app_bind: status 0x00
[00:00:42.644,439] <dbg> bt_mesh_cfg_srv: get_model: ID 0x1400 addr 0x0047
[00:00:42.644,470] <dbg> bt_mesh_cfg_srv: mod_bind: model 0x200015d8 key_idx 0x000
[00:00:42.644,500] <dbg> bt_mesh_cfg_srv: mod_bind: model 0x200015d8 id 0x1400 i 0 key 0xffff
[00:00:42.644,531] <dbg> bt_mesh_cfg_srv: mod_app_bind: status 0x00
[00:00:47.369,445] <dbg> bt_mesh_cfg_srv: get_model: ID 0x1404 addr 0x0047
[00:00:47.369,445] <dbg> bt_mesh_cfg_srv: mod_bind: model 0x20001600 key_idx 0x000
[00:00:47.369,476] <dbg> bt_mesh_cfg_srv: mod_bind: model 0x20001600 id 0x1404 i 0 key 0xffff
[00:00:47.369,506] <dbg> bt_mesh_cfg_srv: mod_app_bind: status 0x00
[00:00:53.804,382] <dbg> bt_mesh_cfg_srv: get_model: ID 0x1400 addr 0x0048
[00:00:53.804,412] <dbg> bt_mesh_cfg_srv: mod_bind: model 0x200014d0 key_idx 0x000
[00:00:53.804,412] <dbg> bt_mesh_cfg_srv: mod_bind: model 0x200014d0 id 0x1400 i 0 key 0xffff
[00:00:53.804,443] <dbg> bt_mesh_cfg_srv: mod_app_bind: status 0x00
[00:00:57.945,037] <dbg> bt_mesh_cfg_srv: get_model: ID 0x1402 addr 0x0048
[00:00:57.945,068] <dbg> bt_mesh_cfg_srv: mod_bind: model 0x200014f8 key_idx 0x000
[00:00:57.945,098] <dbg> bt_mesh_cfg_srv: mod_bind: model 0x200014f8 id 0x1402 i 0 key 0xffff
[00:00:57.945,098] <dbg> bt_mesh_cfg_srv: mod_app_bind: status 0x00
Connected to SMP service: err 0 id 1
[00:01:45.838,867] <wrn> bt_l2cap: Ignoring data for unknown channel ID 0x003a
[00:02:03.166,900] <inf> mcuboot_util: Image index: 0, Swap type: none
[00:02:03.713,043] <inf> mcuboot_util: Image index: 0, Swap type: none
[00:02:03.713,104] <inf> mcuboot_util: Image index: 0, Swap type: none
[00:04:02.647,338] <dbg> bt_mesh_dfu_slot: bt_mesh_dfu_slot_reserve: Reserved slot #0
[00:04:02.658,416] <dbg> bt_mesh_dfu_slot: bt_mesh_dfu_slot_commit: Stored slot #0: 0100000000000000
[00:04:37.405,456] <dbg> bt_mesh_dfd_srv: bt_mesh_dfd_srv_receiver_add: Added receiver 0x0045 img: 0
[00:04:37.405,517] <dbg> bt_mesh_dfd_srv: bt_mesh_dfd_srv_receiver_add: Added receiver 0x0047 img: 0
Starting the firmware distribution.
        Size:     417139 bytes
        FWID:     0100000000000000
        Metadata: 0100000000000000735d06013e9ffbc50200
[00:05:09.445,129] <dbg> bt_mesh_dfd_srv: bt_mesh_dfd_srv_start: Distribution Start: slot: 0, appidx: 0, tb: 0, addr: 0000, ttl: 255, apply: 1
Distribution phase changed to Transfer Active
[00:05:09.445,281] <dbg> bt_mesh_dfu_cli: initiate: 
[00:05:09.445,312] <dbg> bt_mesh_blob_cli: blob_cli_broadcast: 2 targets
[00:05:19.576,599] <dbg> bt_mesh_blob_cli: retry_timeout: 5
[00:05:30.956,573] <dbg> bt_mesh_blob_cli: retry_timeout: 4
[00:05:41.148,986] <dbg> bt_mesh_blob_cli: retry_timeout: 3
[00:05:52.650,268] <dbg> bt_mesh_blob_cli: retry_timeout: 2
[00:06:02.811,767] <dbg> bt_mesh_blob_cli: retry_timeout: 1
[00:06:02.811,798] <dbg> bt_mesh_blob_cli: retry_timeout: Transfer timed out.
[00:06:02.811,828] <dbg> bt_mesh_blob_cli: drop_remaining_targets: 
[00:06:02.811,828] <wrn> bt_mesh_blob_cli: Dropping 0x0045: 9
[00:06:02.811,828] <err> bt_mesh_dfu_cli: Target 0x0045 failed: 3
[00:06:02.811,859] <wrn> bt_mesh_blob_cli: Dropping 0x0047: 9
[00:06:02.811,859] <err> bt_mesh_dfu_cli: Target 0x0047 failed: 3
[00:06:02.811,889] <dbg> bt_mesh_blob_cli: broadcast_complete: continuing
[00:06:02.811,889] <dbg> bt_mesh_dfu_cli: transfer: 
[00:06:02.811,920] <dbg> bt_mesh_dfu_cli: dfu_failed: 3
[00:06:02.811,950] <dbg> bt_mesh_dfd_srv: dfu_ended: reason: 3, phase: 1, apply: 1
Distribution phase changed to Failed
[00:06:49.363,220] <dbg> bt_mesh_dfd_srv: bt_mesh_dfd_srv_receiver_add: Added receiver 0x0045 img: 0
Starting the firmware distribution.
        Size:     417139 bytes
        FWID:     0100000000000000
        Metadata: 0100000000000000735d06013e9ffbc50200
[00:06:59.283,416] <dbg> bt_mesh_dfd_srv: bt_mesh_dfd_srv_start: Distribution Start: slot: 0, appidx: 0, tb: 0, addr: 0000, ttl: 255, apply: 1
Distribution phase changed to Transfer Active
[00:06:59.283,599] <dbg> bt_mesh_dfu_cli: initiate: 
[00:06:59.283,599] <dbg> bt_mesh_blob_cli: blob_cli_broadcast: 1 targets
[00:07:09.110,687] <dbg> bt_mesh_blob_cli: retry_timeout: 5
[00:07:19.072,235] <dbg> bt_mesh_blob_cli: retry_timeout: 4
[00:07:28.882,812] <dbg> bt_mesh_blob_cli: retry_timeout: 3
[00:07:38.268,249] <dbg> bt_mesh_blob_cli: retry_timeout: 2
[00:07:47.646,148] <dbg> bt_mesh_blob_cli: retry_timeout: 1
[00:07:47.646,179] <dbg> bt_mesh_blob_cli: retry_timeout: Transfer timed out.
[00:07:47.646,209] <dbg> bt_mesh_blob_cli: drop_remaining_targets: 
[00:07:47.646,209] <wrn> bt_mesh_blob_cli: Dropping 0x0045: 9
[00:07:47.646,209] <err> bt_mesh_dfu_cli: Target 0x0045 failed: 3
[00:07:47.646,240] <dbg> bt_mesh_blob_cli: broadcast_complete: continuing
[00:07:47.646,270] <dbg> bt_mesh_dfu_cli: transfer: 
[00:07:47.646,270] <dbg> bt_mesh_dfu_cli: dfu_failed: 3
[00:07:47.646,301] <dbg> bt_mesh_dfd_srv: dfu_ended: reason: 3, phase: 1, apply: 1
Distribution phase changed to Failed
[00:12:58.438,079] <dbg> bt_mesh_dfd_srv: bt_mesh_dfd_srv_receiver_add: Added receiver 0x0047 img: 0
Starting the firmware distribution.
        Size:     417139 bytes
        FWID:     0100000000000000
        Metadata: 0100000000000000735d06013e9ffbc50200
[00:13:06.357,116] <dbg> bt_mesh_dfd_srv: bt_mesh_dfd_srv_start: Distribution Start: slot: 0, appidx: 0, tb: 0, addr: 0000, ttl: 255, apply: 1
Distribution phase changed to Transfer Active
[00:13:06.357,299] <dbg> bt_mesh_dfu_cli: initiate: 
[00:13:06.357,299] <dbg> bt_mesh_blob_cli: blob_cli_broadcast: 1 targets
[00:13:15.638,519] <dbg> bt_mesh_blob_cli: retry_timeout: 5
[00:13:24.919,830] <dbg> bt_mesh_blob_cli: retry_timeout: 4
[00:13:34.201,446] <dbg> bt_mesh_blob_cli: retry_timeout: 3
[00:13:43.482,513] <dbg> bt_mesh_blob_cli: retry_timeout: 2
[00:13:52.763,519] <dbg> bt_mesh_blob_cli: retry_timeout: 1
[00:13:52.763,549] <dbg> bt_mesh_blob_cli: retry_timeout: Transfer timed out.
[00:13:52.763,549] <dbg> bt_mesh_blob_cli: drop_remaining_targets: 
[00:13:52.763,580] <wrn> bt_mesh_blob_cli: Dropping 0x0047: 9
[00:13:52.763,580] <err> bt_mesh_dfu_cli: Target 0x0047 failed: 3
[00:13:52.763,610] <dbg> bt_mesh_blob_cli: broadcast_complete: continuing
[00:13:52.763,610] <dbg> bt_mesh_dfu_cli: transfer: 
[00:13:52.763,641] <dbg> bt_mesh_dfu_cli: dfu_failed: 3
[00:13:52.763,702] <dbg> bt_mesh_dfd_srv: dfu_ended: reason: 3, phase: 1, apply: 1
Distribution phase changed to Failed

I tried to upload the firmware to self address and to other node but the result is the same. What could be wrong?

  • Hello,

    Sorry for the late reply.

    So you flashed both devices with this application, and then tried to perform the DFU with the same application, right?

    Can you please try to increase the CONFIG_MCUBOOT_IMGTOOL_SIGN_VERSION in prj.conf, then rebuild and try again?

    Other than that, did you try the test description described in the sample:

    Regardless, can you please explain what you did in details, and explain where it doesn't behave as expected.

    Best regards,


  • Yes, I flashed both devices with the same application.
    So, here are the steps how I do it:
    1) Flashed two NRF52840DK with this example software:
    2) In the BLE mesh app from phone according to instruction I provision and assigned app key 1 to Firmware Distribution Server, Firmware Update Client, BLOB Transfer Server, BLOB Transfer Client, Firmware Update Server and BLOB Transfer Server on each of the two NRF52840DK boards.
    3) Then form the mobile Device Manager app I connected to one of the NRF52840DK and as decribed here: I uploaded the distributor.signed.bin file, added slot using shell from Device Manager app using mesh commands, added receivers list - firstly I tried to add unicast addresses of both devices then only of the self device and at the end I started the update process with command mesh models dfd start 0 0
    At the end I got this error which you can see in the log I provided. 

  • Ok I think I found the issue, I wrongly send the data at the unicast address of the first element which is the distributor, not on the second. So now it seems to be working, I'm currently checking it. But how can I do the self update? Just set the address of the element 2 on this device and start update?

  • And after some blocks of data, update failed, here is the logs:

    [00:23:40.237,274] <dbg> bt_mesh_blob_cli: blob_cli_broadcast: 1 targets
    [00:23:40.480,072] <dbg> bt_mesh_blob_cli: broadcast_complete: continuing
    [00:23:40.480,102] <dbg> bt_mesh_blob_cli: block_check: 
    [00:23:40.480,133] <dbg> bt_mesh_blob_cli: blob_cli_broadcast: 1 targets
    [00:23:40.598,815] <dbg> bt_mesh_blob_cli: handle_block_status: status: 0 block: 5 encoding: 1
    [00:23:40.598,815] <dbg> bt_mesh_blob_cli: rx_block_status: 0x0003: block: 5 status: 0
    [00:23:40.598,846] <dbg> bt_mesh_blob_cli: rx_block_status: Target 0x0003 received all chunks
    [00:23:40.598,937] <dbg> bt_mesh_blob_cli: blob_cli_broadcast_rsp: 0x0003, pending: 1
    [00:23:40.598,968] <dbg> bt_mesh_blob_cli: broadcast_complete: continuing
    [00:23:40.598,968] <dbg> bt_mesh_blob_cli: block_check_end: 
    [00:23:40.598,999] <dbg> bt_mesh_blob_cli: block_check_end: No more missing chunks for block 5
    [00:23:40.599,029] <dbg> bt_mesh_blob_cli: block_set: 6 size: 4096 chunks: 37
    [00:23:40.599,029] <dbg> bt_mesh_blob_cli: block_start: 6 (37 chunks, 7/102)
    [00:23:40.599,060] <dbg> bt_mesh_blob_cli: blob_cli_broadcast: 1 targets
    [00:23:40.751,800] <dbg> bt_mesh_blob_cli: handle_block_status: status: 0 block: 6 encoding: 0
    [00:23:40.751,831] <dbg> bt_mesh_blob_cli: rx_block_status: 0x0003: block: 6 status: 0
    [00:23:40.751,831] <dbg> bt_mesh_blob_cli: blob_cli_broadcast_rsp: 0x0003, pending: 1
    [00:23:40.751,861] <dbg> bt_mesh_blob_cli: broadcast_complete: continuing
    [00:23:40.751,892] <dbg> bt_mesh_blob_cli: chunk_send: 1 / 37 size: 113
    [00:23:40.751,892] <dbg> bt_mesh_blob_cli: blob_cli_broadcast: 1 targets
    [00:23:42.281,127] <dbg> bt_mesh_blob_cli: broadcast_complete: continuing
    [00:23:42.281,158] <dbg> bt_mesh_blob_cli: chunk_send: 2 / 37 size: 113
    [00:23:42.281,188] <dbg> bt_mesh_blob_cli: blob_cli_broadcast: 1 targets
    [00:23:43.842,895] <dbg> bt_mesh_blob_cli: broadcast_complete: continuing
    [00:23:43.843,048] <dbg> bt_mesh_blob_cli: chunk_send: 3 / 37 size: 113
    [00:23:43.843,078] <dbg> bt_mesh_blob_cli: blob_cli_broadcast: 1 targets
    [00:23:46.692,779] <dbg> bt_mesh_blob_cli: broadcast_complete: continuing
    [00:23:46.692,810] <dbg> bt_mesh_blob_cli: chunk_send: 4 / 37 size: 113
    [00:23:46.692,840] <dbg> bt_mesh_blob_cli: blob_cli_broadcast: 1 targets
    [00:23:49.819,610] <dbg> bt_mesh_blob_cli: broadcast_complete: continuing
    [00:23:49.819,641] <dbg> bt_mesh_blob_cli: chunk_send: 5 / 37 size: 113
    [00:23:49.819,671] <dbg> bt_mesh_blob_cli: blob_cli_broadcast: 1 targets
    [00:23:50.470,031] <dbg> bt_mesh_blob_cli: broadcast_complete: continuing
    [00:23:50.470,062] <dbg> bt_mesh_blob_cli: chunk_send: 6 / 37 size: 113
    [00:23:50.470,062] <dbg> bt_mesh_blob_cli: blob_cli_broadcast: 1 targets
    [00:23:51.064,758] <dbg> bt_mesh_blob_cli: broadcast_complete: continuing
    [00:23:51.064,788] <dbg> bt_mesh_blob_cli: chunk_send: 7 / 37 size: 113
    [00:23:51.064,788] <dbg> bt_mesh_blob_cli: blob_cli_broadcast: 1 targets
    [00:23:51.751,068] <dbg> bt_mesh_blob_cli: broadcast_complete: continuing
    [00:23:51.751,068] <dbg> bt_mesh_blob_cli: chunk_send: 8 / 37 size: 113
    [00:23:51.751,098] <dbg> bt_mesh_blob_cli: blob_cli_broadcast: 1 targets
    [00:23:52.396,881] <dbg> bt_mesh_blob_cli: broadcast_complete: continuing
    [00:23:52.396,911] <dbg> bt_mesh_blob_cli: chunk_send: 9 / 37 size: 113
    [00:23:52.396,911] <dbg> bt_mesh_blob_cli: blob_cli_broadcast: 1 targets
    [00:23:54.033,264] <dbg> bt_mesh_blob_cli: broadcast_complete: continuing
    [00:23:54.033,294] <dbg> bt_mesh_blob_cli: chunk_send: 10 / 37 size: 113
    [00:23:54.033,294] <dbg> bt_mesh_blob_cli: blob_cli_broadcast: 1 targets
    [00:23:57.857,147] <err> bt_mesh_transport: Ran out of retransmit without progress attempts
    [00:23:57.857,208] <dbg> bt_mesh_blob_cli: broadcast_complete: continuing
    [00:23:57.857,238] <dbg> bt_mesh_blob_cli: chunk_send: 11 / 37 size: 113
    [00:23:57.857,238] <dbg> bt_mesh_blob_cli: blob_cli_broadcast: 1 targets
    [00:23:58.595,825] <dbg> bt_mesh_blob_cli: broadcast_complete: continuing
    [00:23:58.595,855] <dbg> bt_mesh_blob_cli: chunk_send: 12 / 37 size: 113
    [00:23:58.595,855] <dbg> bt_mesh_blob_cli: blob_cli_broadcast: 1 targets
    [00:24:00.031,494] <dbg> bt_mesh_blob_cli: broadcast_complete: continuing
    [00:24:00.031,524] <dbg> bt_mesh_blob_cli: chunk_send: 13 / 37 size: 113
    [00:24:00.031,555] <dbg> bt_mesh_blob_cli: blob_cli_broadcast: 1 targets
    [00:24:03.732,330] <dbg> bt_mesh_blob_cli: broadcast_complete: continuing
    [00:24:03.732,360] <dbg> bt_mesh_blob_cli: chunk_send: 14 / 37 size: 113
    [00:24:03.732,391] <dbg> bt_mesh_blob_cli: blob_cli_broadcast: 1 targets
    [00:24:06.990,142] <dbg> bt_mesh_blob_cli: broadcast_complete: continuing
    [00:24:06.990,173] <dbg> bt_mesh_blob_cli: chunk_send: 15 / 37 size: 113
    [00:24:06.990,173] <dbg> bt_mesh_blob_cli: blob_cli_broadcast: 1 targets
    [00:24:11.312,103] <err> bt_mesh_transport: Ran out of retransmit without progress attempts
    [00:24:11.312,164] <dbg> bt_mesh_blob_cli: broadcast_complete: continuing
    [00:24:11.312,194] <dbg> bt_mesh_blob_cli: chunk_send: 16 / 37 size: 113
    [00:24:11.312,194] <dbg> bt_mesh_blob_cli: blob_cli_broadcast: 1 targets
    [00:24:13.087,585] <dbg> bt_mesh_blob_cli: broadcast_complete: continuing
    [00:24:13.087,615] <dbg> bt_mesh_blob_cli: chunk_send: 17 / 37 size: 113
    [00:24:13.087,646] <dbg> bt_mesh_blob_cli: blob_cli_broadcast: 1 targets
    [00:24:16.353,057] <dbg> bt_mesh_blob_cli: broadcast_complete: continuing
    [00:24:16.353,088] <dbg> bt_mesh_blob_cli: chunk_send: 18 / 37 size: 113
    [00:24:16.353,088] <dbg> bt_mesh_blob_cli: blob_cli_broadcast: 1 targets
    [00:24:17.697,692] <dbg> bt_mesh_blob_cli: broadcast_complete: continuing
    [00:24:17.697,723] <dbg> bt_mesh_blob_cli: chunk_send: 19 / 37 size: 113
    [00:24:17.697,723] <dbg> bt_mesh_blob_cli: blob_cli_broadcast: 1 targets
    [00:24:20.942,413] <dbg> bt_mesh_blob_cli: broadcast_complete: continuing
    [00:24:20.942,443] <dbg> bt_mesh_blob_cli: chunk_send: 20 / 37 size: 113
    [00:24:20.942,443] <dbg> bt_mesh_blob_cli: blob_cli_broadcast: 1 targets
    [00:24:21.573,272] <dbg> bt_mesh_blob_cli: broadcast_complete: continuing
    [00:24:21.573,272] <dbg> bt_mesh_blob_cli: chunk_send: 21 / 37 size: 113
    [00:24:21.573,303] <dbg> bt_mesh_blob_cli: blob_cli_broadcast: 1 targets
    [00:24:24.819,824] <dbg> bt_mesh_blob_cli: broadcast_complete: continuing
    [00:24:24.819,854] <dbg> bt_mesh_blob_cli: chunk_send: 22 / 37 size: 113
    [00:24:24.819,854] <dbg> bt_mesh_blob_cli: blob_cli_broadcast: 1 targets
    [00:24:29.176,544] <err> bt_mesh_transport: Ran out of retransmit without progress attempts
    [00:24:29.176,605] <dbg> bt_mesh_blob_cli: broadcast_complete: continuing
    [00:24:29.176,635] <dbg> bt_mesh_blob_cli: chunk_send: 23 / 37 size: 113
    [00:24:29.176,635] <dbg> bt_mesh_blob_cli: blob_cli_broadcast: 1 targets
    [00:24:32.417,816] <dbg> bt_mesh_blob_cli: broadcast_complete: continuing
    [00:24:32.417,846] <dbg> bt_mesh_blob_cli: chunk_send: 24 / 37 size: 113
    [00:24:32.417,846] <dbg> bt_mesh_blob_cli: blob_cli_broadcast: 1 targets
    [00:24:34.740,264] <dbg> bt_mesh_blob_cli: broadcast_complete: continuing
    [00:24:34.740,295] <dbg> bt_mesh_blob_cli: chunk_send: 25 / 37 size: 113
    [00:24:34.740,325] <dbg> bt_mesh_blob_cli: blob_cli_broadcast: 1 targets
    [00:24:38.012,268] <dbg> bt_mesh_blob_cli: broadcast_complete: continuing
    [00:24:38.012,298] <dbg> bt_mesh_blob_cli: chunk_send: 26 / 37 size: 113
    [00:24:38.012,298] <dbg> bt_mesh_blob_cli: blob_cli_broadcast: 1 targets
    [00:24:38.716,827] <dbg> bt_mesh_blob_cli: broadcast_complete: continuing
    [00:24:38.716,857] <dbg> bt_mesh_blob_cli: chunk_send: 27 / 37 size: 113
    [00:24:38.716,888] <dbg> bt_mesh_blob_cli: blob_cli_broadcast: 1 targets
    [00:24:40.699,523] <dbg> bt_mesh_blob_cli: broadcast_complete: continuing
    [00:24:40.699,554] <dbg> bt_mesh_blob_cli: chunk_send: 28 / 37 size: 113
    [00:24:40.699,554] <dbg> bt_mesh_blob_cli: blob_cli_broadcast: 1 targets
    [00:24:42.809,234] <dbg> bt_mesh_blob_cli: broadcast_complete: continuing
    [00:24:42.809,234] <dbg> bt_mesh_blob_cli: chunk_send: 29 / 37 size: 113
    [00:24:42.809,265] <dbg> bt_mesh_blob_cli: blob_cli_broadcast: 1 targets
    [00:24:47.112,701] <err> bt_mesh_transport: Ran out of retransmit without progress attempts
    [00:24:47.112,762] <dbg> bt_mesh_blob_cli: broadcast_complete: continuing
    [00:24:47.112,792] <dbg> bt_mesh_blob_cli: chunk_send: 30 / 37 size: 113
    [00:24:47.112,792] <dbg> bt_mesh_blob_cli: blob_cli_broadcast: 1 targets
    [00:24:49.907,501] <dbg> bt_mesh_blob_cli: broadcast_complete: continuing
    [00:24:49.907,531] <dbg> bt_mesh_blob_cli: chunk_send: 31 / 37 size: 113
    [00:24:49.907,562] <dbg> bt_mesh_blob_cli: blob_cli_broadcast: 1 targets
    [00:24:52.668,670] <dbg> bt_mesh_blob_cli: broadcast_complete: continuing
    [00:24:52.668,701] <dbg> bt_mesh_blob_cli: chunk_send: 32 / 37 size: 113
    [00:24:52.668,731] <dbg> bt_mesh_blob_cli: blob_cli_broadcast: 1 targets
    [00:24:57.048,522] <err> bt_mesh_transport: Ran out of retransmit without progress attempts
    [00:24:57.048,583] <dbg> bt_mesh_blob_cli: broadcast_complete: continuing
    [00:24:57.048,614] <dbg> bt_mesh_blob_cli: chunk_send: 33 / 37 size: 113
    [00:24:57.048,614] <dbg> bt_mesh_blob_cli: blob_cli_broadcast: 1 targets
    [00:24:58.785,400] <dbg> bt_mesh_blob_cli: broadcast_complete: continuing
    [00:24:58.785,430] <dbg> bt_mesh_blob_cli: chunk_send: 34 / 37 size: 113
    [00:24:58.785,430] <dbg> bt_mesh_blob_cli: blob_cli_broadcast: 1 targets
    [00:25:00.512,054] <dbg> bt_mesh_blob_cli: broadcast_complete: continuing
    [00:25:00.512,084] <dbg> bt_mesh_blob_cli: chunk_send: 35 / 37 size: 113
    [00:25:00.512,084] <dbg> bt_mesh_blob_cli: blob_cli_broadcast: 1 targets
    [00:25:02.017,150] <dbg> bt_mesh_blob_cli: broadcast_complete: continuing
    [00:25:02.017,181] <dbg> bt_mesh_blob_cli: chunk_send: 36 / 37 size: 113
    [00:25:02.017,181] <dbg> bt_mesh_blob_cli: blob_cli_broadcast: 1 targets
    [00:25:06.345,123] <err> bt_mesh_transport: Ran out of retransmit without progress attempts
    [00:25:06.345,184] <dbg> bt_mesh_blob_cli: broadcast_complete: continuing
    [00:25:06.345,214] <dbg> bt_mesh_blob_cli: chunk_send: 37 / 37 size: 28
    [00:25:06.345,245] <dbg> bt_mesh_blob_cli: blob_cli_broadcast: 1 targets
    [00:25:07.266,723] <dbg> bt_mesh_blob_cli: broadcast_complete: continuing
    [00:25:07.266,754] <dbg> bt_mesh_blob_cli: block_check: 
    [00:25:07.266,754] <dbg> bt_mesh_blob_cli: blob_cli_broadcast: 1 targets
    [00:25:16.448,455] <dbg> bt_mesh_blob_cli: retry_timeout: 5
    [00:25:25.600,708] <dbg> bt_mesh_blob_cli: retry_timeout: 4
    [00:25:34.766,235] <dbg> bt_mesh_blob_cli: retry_timeout: 3
    [00:25:34.833,465] <dbg> bt_mesh_blob_cli: handle_block_status: status: 10 block: 6 encoding: 1
    [00:25:34.833,496] <dbg> bt_mesh_blob_cli: rx_block_status: 0x0003: block: 6 status: 10
    [00:25:34.833,496] <wrn> bt_mesh_blob_cli: Dropping 0x0003: 10
    [00:25:34.833,526] <err> bt_mesh_dfu_cli: Target 0x0003 failed: 3
    [00:25:34.833,526] <dbg> bt_mesh_blob_cli: blob_cli_broadcast_rsp: 0x0003, pending: 1
    [00:25:34.833,618] <dbg> bt_mesh_blob_cli: broadcast_complete: continuing
    [00:25:34.833,648] <dbg> bt_mesh_blob_cli: block_check_end: 
    [00:25:34.833,648] <dbg> bt_mesh_blob_cli: end: 0
    [00:25:34.833,679] <dbg> bt_mesh_dfu_cli: dfu_failed: 3
    [00:25:34.833,709] <dbg> bt_mesh_dfd_srv: dfu_ended: reason: 3, phase: 1, apply: 1
    Distribution phase changed to Failed

  • When I have other devices running on BLE mesh but with my vendor model it looks that then there is a problem with update, is it possible that other devices interrupt process of DFU? 

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