I can't get the Master Control Panel to work. I think the drivers might be messed up but various re-installs aren't having any success.
Can you suggest some troubleshooting steps to work out the source of the problem?
2;10:46:51.9744 [MainThread] Master Control Panel
3;10:46:51.9964 [MainThread] Log verbosity level: High
4;10:46:52.0974 [MainThread] nrfjprog.dll
5;10:46:52.0984 [MainThread] JLinkARM.dll 5.10l
6;10:46:52.1054 [MainThread] 480114787 - COM3
7;10:46:52.1214 [MainThread] nrfjprog.dll
8;10:46:52.1324 [MainThread] HciJLinkDriver opened (COM3, 1000000-8-None-1-RequestToSend)
9;10:46:52.1364 [480114787][MainThread] JLinkARM.dll 5.10l
10;10:46:52.1424 [480114787][MainThread] 480114787 - COM3
11;10:46:53.2335 [480114787][MainThread] HCI command: BTLE_CMD_READ_BD_ADDR
12;10:46:53.2355 [480114787][MainThread] Serial port write: 01-09-10-00
13;10:46:53.2365 [480114787][MainThread] Waiting for event packet. Timeout is 500ms
14;10:46:53.7406 [480114787][MainThread] Finished waiting for event packet. PacketReceived:False
15;10:46:53.7416 [480114787][MainThread] InitAddressAndFirmware, exception: No command complete event received. System.TimeoutException: No command complete event received.
at Ulpbt.Hci.WaitAndCheckCmdCompleteEvent(btle_cmd_opcode_t opcode)
at Ulpbt.Hci.HciReadPublicDeviceAddress()
at LEControlPanel.frmLEControl.InitDeviceAddress()
at LEControlPanel.frmLEControl.InitAddressAndFirmware()
16;10:46:54.7287 [480114787][ScriptThread] Failed to import ecdsa, cannot do signing
17;10:46:54.7707 [480114787][ScriptThread] - - Start of script: (2016-02-16 10:46:54) - -
18;10:46:54.8467 [480114787][ScriptThread] HCI command: BTLE_CMD_READ_BD_ADDR
19;10:46:54.8477 [480114787][ScriptThread] Serial port write: 01-09-10-00
20;10:46:56.3128 [480114787][ScriptThread] Could not read public device address: No response from master emulator
21;10:46:56.3148 [480114787][ScriptThread] No response from master emulator.