Question on interrupt process in nRF52840

I want to confirm these questions,hope someone can give me some explaination.

1) RADIO has it's own kernal which is some kind of MCU.

I have looked through some doc on BLE chips, most of them are dual kernal:one for layers higher,and one for RADIO phy, is nRF52840 same?

2) Interrupt process structure.

I did not find much info on this subject in datasheet(S140_SDS_v2.1.pdf):

"6.1.8 Interrupts"

"the peripheral with ID=4 is connected to interrupt number 4 in the nested vectored interrupt controller(NVIC)."--NVIC preseted.

"6.8 EGU — Event generator unit"

"or to handle a peripheral's interrupt service routine (ISR) execution at a lower priority for some of its events"

"Up to 16 separate event flags per interrupt for multiplexing"

All just mention,no so much details.I believe the whole structure is powerful.

The most important thing for me is:

Can I keep some interrupt not interrupted by other interrupt, or not delay too long.

For example,I want to receive the IR signal(PWM,40K/50K),interrupts from them should not delayed too long,and I want to send IR signal too.Thery are executed through interrupt handler.

It should be OK if RADIO has its own kernal,not rely on the same kernal to process.

3) Can I directly use interrupt handler instead of events?

4) Can I freely set priorities for each interrput?

Thank you.   
