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Port of the NRF51 Throughput firmware for NRF52?


I'm wondering if there is a throughput example for the NRF52-DK? There seems to be one for the NRF51-DK posted on the Nordic github but nothing much for the NRF52.

I've tried to port over the code from the 51 to the 52 to get an idea of the max throughput for the NRF52 but I've been running into issue with getting the NRF52 to connect to the Master control panel. The Master control panel cannot make the connection to the board and results in an hcievent code of 0x05.

I think I might not be advertising correctly on the NRF52 code that I ported. I've tested the master control panel with the NRF51 dongle and a working UART example, so I've narrowed down the issue to my ported Throughput code. Code I've tried to port that compiles but cannot connect to Master control panel:

This was the related thread where I posted a followup comment:

Thank you!
