How to fix KConfig warnings errors/Build errors of WiFi Fundamentals lessons(Recently updated tool chains and sdk to latest ncs 2.9 from 2.4, but have not checked the build then), what should I do to fix it?

Hello there,

I was going through the Wifi fundamentals courses lessons in nordic academy and was using ncs 2.4 version, I was able to give it a build for one example,(but not all give proper build)and you can see the output here. 

ncs 2.4

Then later I updated the tool chain and sdk to latest version 9 and I tried to give the build again and ran in to these issues here.

The errors are abort due to Kconfig warnings:(ncs 2.9)

Can anyone tell me where to look to fix this issue? I understand that sysbuild is introduced now, but this is something strange that I am unable to debug it for now as some.

Some observations: In the screenshots, lesson 2_1 builds properly with ncs 2.4 but fails with ncs 2.9, and  other lessons show similar behavior of Kconfig warnings.

eg: lesson 2_2 build error.

I would appreciate any suggestions or insights in to this, so that I can resolve it and thank you for your time.

Parents Reply Children
  • Hi,

    It seems like the issue could be related to the path length. There is a problem with CMake and path length on Windows, which will cause the build to fail if the path of files exceeds the maximum CMake path length.

    Can you try moving the wifi-fund directory closer to the root directory, for example, C:\wifi-fund or C:\nordic\wifi-fund?

    Best regards,
