nRF7002-EB Configuration for Wifi Shell Example

Hi Nordic team,

I've successfully run the Wi-Fi Shell example on the nRF54H20-DK with the nRF7002-EK, but I'm having trouble getting it to work with the nRF7002-EB. Without an interposer board, I used PP II and the nRF7002-EK to provide a 3.6V power source as shown in my diagram.

I am using:


  1. Could you please advise on how to properly configure the nRF7002-EB for this setup?
  2. Are there any updates with hardware version 0.9.1, because I only see the latest change log with version 0.9.0 Layout and BOM resources?

Hardware setup:

1. V_BAT power supply for nRF7002-EB from PP II

2. V_BAT power supply for nRF7002-EB from nRF7002-EK

3. Successfully running with nRF7002-EK

The nRF7002-EK uses separate BUCK_EN and IOVDD_EN pins, which I configured in an overlay file. However, the nRF7002-EB combines these functions on a single pin (P1.00).

//comment if using nRF7002-EB P1.00
&nrf70 {
  iovdd-ctrl-gpios = <&gpio1 3 (GPIO_ACTIVE_HIGH | GPIO_PULL_DOWN)>;

