UART communication is interrupted

Regarding the operation of EJ2832AA1 (nRF52832),
Please answer the following questions.
nRF5 SDK : v15.3.0
SoftDevice : S132 v6.1.1

I am doing UART communication with another external microcontroller.
When doing so, we call the API “app_uart_put” about 500 bytes to set the data to be sent.
The data to be sent is set by calling the API “app_uart_put” 500 times.
(Calls for 500 bytes are made even after the completion of 1-byte transmission.)
In this case, UART transmission is started immediately after the first byte is called.
However, there is a gap between the completion of the first byte transmission and the start of the second byte transmission.
communication is interrupted.

Please explain the cause of the communication breakdown.
Please check the attached communication waveforms.

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