nrf7002 wi-fi wpa2 enterprise mode(eap-tls)

I'm using nrf7002DK to test the wpa2 enterprise mode connection, but it has some problem for connecting.
I'm using ncs 2.8. 

logs output didn't show "connect success", but it stopped on "Wi-Fi connection request sent.." when I choose eap-tls mode.

(I've tried test this code by selecting the personal mode(psk) to connect to wpa personal ap, and it's successfuly connect.)

My ap logs and radius server didn't show the receive request, so I guess the problem is on firmware program.

Is there something wrong with my code? 



Parents Reply Children
  • Hi, 

    I've tried this sample, the Freeradius server has received the access request, and sent access challenge, and didn't show any error, but it seens that the client or ap didn't reply. So the two messages,"receive access request" and "sent access challenge", keep looping on the server. Client still printed "connection failed". I don't know whether the problem is on the WIFI ap or nrf7002 sample.

    nrf7002 output

    radius server output

    ap ouput



  • Hi, does the nrf sdk support other protocol like wpa3 or ttls on nrf7002? Since the sample only says that it support wpa2-eap-tls.