I'm a bit confused about nomenclature and am looking for guidance in how best to implement the needs of my ble app. From the S110 perspective, how are connecting, bonding, pairing, and whitelists related? What do these terms mean in relation to the device_manager?
For my application I can currently discover and connect from android and read and write characteristics. At this point I would like my ble device to only allow connections from the last successful connection until a reset procedure is initiated via a button press. I've read about irks and addresses and it really sounds like using a library is the way to go. I'm not concerned with security and passkeys for my application but wonder if I should be or if there is any downside. There is no visible ui on my ble device other than an led.
What is the most straight forward means of providing the connection storage, connection denial, and reset back to 'open'?