NRF52832 Debugging with NRF54L15 PDK

Hi there,

I want to debugging my beacon project card which designed with NRF52832 MCU 

I have NRF54L15 PDK Development Kit and it has debugger on the kit.

How can I debug my chip with this kit? What should I do?

I am planning to connect the SWDIO and SWDCLK pins of my NRF52832-based custom board to the SWDIO and SWDCLK pins of the DEBUG OUT output on the NRF54L15 PDK. However, since the PDK also has an NRF54L15 chip, should I cut its power and only supply power to the debugger?

I tried cutting the power to the NRF54L15 chip by shorting the VDDM current measure pins to GND on P6. Is my method correct, or is there another way to cut the power to the NRF54L15 chip?


  • Hi Simsek,

    Thanks for reaching us about your question.

    It is quite common to program external board(either another DK or custom board) with our DK which has JLINK-OB on it.You can use the Debug out connector (P19) on the nRF54L15 PDK to program and debug your external nRF52832-based board. Connect your custom board to P19 using a 10-pin flat cable as described in the nRF54L15 DK User Guide if you have. It seems you do not design your custom board with 10-pin debug port, but it is still the same when you connect the pins manually.

    Connect the following pins from your custom nRF52832 board to the P19 connector on the nRF54L15 PDK:
    • SWDIO to SWD0_SWDIO (Pin 2)
    • SWDCLK to SWD0_SWDCLK (Pin 4)
    • GND to GND (Pin 5)
    • RESET to SWD0_RESET (Pin 10)
    • Connect SWD0_SELECT (Pin 3) to GND on your custom board

    It's recommended to power your custom board separately from the PDK. The VDDIO voltage on your external board should be within the range of 1.8 V to 3.6 V. You don't need to cut the power to the nRF54L15 chip on the PDK.

    Let me know if it works when you test with above connection.

    Best regards,


  • Hi Simsek,

    Thanks for reaching us about your question.

    It is quite common to program external board(either another DK or custom board) with our DK which has JLINK-OB on it.You can use the Debug out connector (P19) on the nRF54L15 PDK to program and debug your external nRF52832-based board. Connect your custom board to P19 using a 10-pin flat cable as described in the nRF54L15 DK User Guide if you have. It seems you do not design your custom board with 10-pin debug port, but it is still the same when you connect the pins manually.

    Connect the following pins from your custom nRF52832 board to the P19 connector on the nRF54L15 PDK:
    • SWDIO to SWD0_SWDIO (Pin 2)
    • SWDCLK to SWD0_SWDCLK (Pin 4)
    • GND to GND (Pin 5)
    • RESET to SWD0_RESET (Pin 10)
    • Connect SWD0_SELECT (Pin 3) to GND on your custom board

    It's recommended to power your custom board separately from the PDK. The VDDIO voltage on your external board should be within the range of 1.8 V to 3.6 V. You don't need to cut the power to the nRF54L15 chip on the PDK.

    Let me know if it works when you test with above connection.

    Best regards,

