Hi folks,
I am just in the process of getting my feet wet with the nrf connect sdk and zigbee development is my ultimate goal.
I am using an ItsyBitsy nrf52840 https://docs.nordicsemi.com/bundle/ncs-2.5.0/page/zephyr/boards/arm/adafruit_itsybitsy_nrf52840/doc/index.html
With latest Adafruit bootloader (UF2)
installed nrf toolchain Version is 2.9.0 via VS code extension
I am able to run the official blinky example and play around with some GPIOs.
However, the only way the board will successfully run the compiled code is to use the `zephyr/west.yml` manifest.
If I am building with `nrf/west.yml` the complied uf2 file will not run on the board.
Eventually this brings up more issues when I am trying to run the zigbee samples. As those samples are nrf specific and they will not even build with the `zephyr/west.yml`.
It seams as the ItsyBitsy nrf52840 https://www.adafruit.com/product/4481 is not widely used so getting help on this issue is not as easy for me right now.
It would be ok for me to use another bootloader then the uf2 loader. At the moment the board is not recognized by the vs code extension and only drag and drop the uf2 file works.
Thanks so much for all comments and help.