easyDMA does not support Timer in nRF52840?

Just to confirm the head question.

I have found the same question :NRF52 help configuring TIMER + DMA + PWM - Nordic Q&A - Nordic DevZone - Nordic DevZone

There is no answer at last.

I have looked through the datasheet of nRF52840, I did not find the relationship between timer & DMA.

And for PWM peripheral, it is obviously designed for control LED display,we can't change the interval of PWM output with frequency freezed,what we can changed is PWM frequency.

For IR communication with Pulse Width Modulation,we need to fix the frequency,and change the interval of PWM continue ouput. Peripheral PWM is not for IR communication,it is too waste even if you find the way to use it.

I will try to find an alter way to realize it if DMA does do not support timer.
