I have received my NRF52840 DK V3 and i open NRF connect for Desktop and run "Quick Start", it have detect the board but when i try the hello world program test it is not working , here is my log :
2025-03-03T09:14:14.037Z INFO Initialising the bundled nrfutil device
2025-03-03T09:14:14.076Z DEBUG Started watching devices
2025-03-03T09:14:15.344Z INFO Using the bundled core version for nrfutil device: 7.13.0
2025-03-03T09:14:15.679Z INFO Using nrfutil-device version: 2.7.5
2025-03-03T09:14:15.679Z INFO Using nrf-device-lib version: 0.17.41
2025-03-03T09:14:15.679Z INFO Using nrfjprog DLL version: 10.24.2
2025-03-03T09:14:15.679Z INFO Using JLink version: JLink_V7.94i
2025-03-03T09:14:17.041Z DEBUG Selected device: nRF52840 DK
2025-03-03T09:14:17.065Z DEBUG Changed step: Info
2025-03-03T09:16:44.980Z DEBUG Changed step: Rename
2025-03-03T09:16:46.511Z DEBUG Changed step: Program
2025-03-03T09:16:50.617Z ERROR NRFDLException(1): [Probe] Emulator error: No emulator with connection info 'Usb(JLinkSerialNumber(1050238143))' was found
2025-03-03T09:16:50.621Z ERROR [ProbeLib] [2025-03-03 09:16:50.619075Z] Trace channel disconnected unexpectedly.
thank you for any help,