Can't write a code in my NRF52840 DK

I have received my NRF52840 DK V3 and i open NRF connect for Desktop and run "Quick Start", it have detect the board but when i try the hello world program test it is not working , here is my log : 

2025-03-03T09:14:14.037Z INFO Initialising the bundled nrfutil device
2025-03-03T09:14:14.076Z DEBUG Started watching devices
2025-03-03T09:14:15.344Z INFO Using the bundled core version for nrfutil device: 7.13.0
2025-03-03T09:14:15.679Z INFO Using nrfutil-device version: 2.7.5
2025-03-03T09:14:15.679Z INFO Using nrf-device-lib version: 0.17.41
2025-03-03T09:14:15.679Z INFO Using nrfjprog DLL version: 10.24.2
2025-03-03T09:14:15.679Z INFO Using JLink version: JLink_V7.94i
2025-03-03T09:14:17.041Z DEBUG Selected device: nRF52840 DK
2025-03-03T09:14:17.065Z DEBUG Changed step: Info
2025-03-03T09:16:44.980Z DEBUG Changed step: Rename
2025-03-03T09:16:46.511Z DEBUG Changed step: Program
2025-03-03T09:16:50.617Z ERROR NRFDLException(1): [Probe] Emulator error: No emulator with connection info 'Usb(JLinkSerialNumber(1050238143))' was found
2025-03-03T09:16:50.621Z ERROR [ProbeLib] [2025-03-03 09:16:50.619075Z] Trace channel disconnected unexpectedly.

thank you for any help,


  • Hi,

    1. Please make sure you have J-Link appropriate version (preferrably latest) installed.

    2. Also, make sure that all nRF Tools, like the nRF Command Line Tools, nRF Connect for Desktop etc are all up to date.

    3. Try with a different USB cable (there have been cases of faulty wires which cause the board to not be detected).

    4. Also, please connect the DK, then open Programmer app in the nRF Connect for Desktop application and then select your DK from the drop-down. If you are being prompted for a firmware update, please do it.

    5. Check if your board is being detected by the PC.

    Please check these and get back to me.


  • Hi,

    1. Please make sure you have J-Link appropriate version (preferrably latest) installed.

    2. Also, make sure that all nRF Tools, like the nRF Command Line Tools, nRF Connect for Desktop etc are all up to date.

    3. Try with a different USB cable (there have been cases of faulty wires which cause the board to not be detected).

    4. Also, please connect the DK, then open Programmer app in the nRF Connect for Desktop application and then select your DK from the drop-down. If you are being prompted for a firmware update, please do it.

    5. Check if your board is being detected by the PC.

    Please check these and get back to me.


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