thingy53 qwicc connect shows 3.2V when pwrd on,
yet there is 0v from thingy91x when turned on.
Is there some other step needed to get 3.2V?
thingy53 qwicc connect shows 3.2V when pwrd on,
yet there is 0v from thingy91x when turned on.
Is there some other step needed to get 3.2V?
thingy53 qwicc connect shows 3.2V when pwrd on,
yet there is 0v from thingy91x when turned on.
Is there some other step needed to get 3.2V?
Can you elaborate on what you try to do? Can you provide detailed steps you took? Where do you read voltage values from?
Best regards,
Out of the box, nothing special, used the blinky app.
The Thingy53 is showing 3.2V with a qwicc connector and pos+ and neg- loose wire to voltmeter.
Except no volts when measuring from qwicc connect on Thingy91X. Tried other wire combos to check.
You can look at Thingy91X hardware files.
As you can see EXP_BRD_CTRL is coming from P0.03 on nrf9151.
TCK106AG datasheet contains the Figure where it is specified that control signal (coming P0.03 in your case) needs to be high for what you want to achieve. Please refer to the Figure below.
Best regards,