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is just the nRF51 Dongle enough for Bluetooth Low Energy sniffing ?


My name is Mehdi, and I am a student in a french university. Actually, I am working on a project and I aim to use the Heart Rate for a statical studies to use it as a stress indicator. I have a Heart Rate belt and a windows phone, Nokia Lumia with 'Endemondo' App. I want to sniff the packets sent by the belt to my phone to collect them for my stress detection validation process. I just want to know if I only need the nRF51 Dongle or i will also be needing the nRF51 DK ?

I already tried with Ubertooth but it's a little bit complicated and the tutorials are out of date. Who tried to use the dongle as Bluetooth Low Energy sniffer ?

Thank you.


  • You can use the nRF Sniffer software to run on the nRF51-DK or nRF51-Dongle. However I would discourage the use of the Sniffer as a data collection method, as it needs to be setup etc. It may work for you and you may be satisfied with it, however there a no guarantees for sustained data collection.

    It may be simpler to write a PC application to talk to the HRM and ensure that all the data is collected. However I will leave that judgment to you.

  • You can use the nRF Sniffer software to run on the nRF51-DK or nRF51-Dongle. However I would discourage the use of the Sniffer as a data collection method, as it needs to be setup etc. It may work for you and you may be satisfied with it, however there a no guarantees for sustained data collection.

    It may be simpler to write a PC application to talk to the HRM and ensure that all the data is collected. However I will leave that judgment to you.
