Debugging Bluetooth: bt_hci_core: opcode 0x2039 status 0x0d

I'm using SDK version 2.9.0 with an nRF52840 in a combined peripheral / central application.

The nRF52840 device starts advertising, but then after connecting (as a peripheral) it throws the warning: <wrn> bt_hci_core: opcode: 0x2039 status 0x0d

It appears the opcode is for advertising and the status indicates limited resources.

CONFIG_BT_MAX_CONN is set to 8

Is there a way to determine what "Resources" are being reported as limited?   Or more information on how to clear this warning?


  • Hi

    I need to know a bit more about your project to help out here I think, as it could be a lot of different reasons that you get this limited resources warning. Do you use pairing/bonding in your application? If so, you will also need to set CONFIG_BT_MAX_PAIRED to the amount of paired devices you would like to have. 

    I assume you've also set the device to be able to both be a peripheral and central with CONFIG_BT_PERIPHERAL=y and CONFIG_BT_CENTRAL=y?

    What have you set the various buffers to in your config file? Here are some suggested values.


    You could also try enabling debugging to see what function exactly it is that returns this limited resources warning. Also, this is just a warning, and not an error, so does the application stop working after connecting to one device or what?

    Best regards,


  • Thanks...   I found that when I moved from SDK 2.7.0 to SDK 2.9.0 some additional CONFIG_BT settings were needed...

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