Run bluetooth stack on FLPR core of nRF54L15

Can I run bluetooth stack on FLPR core of nRF54L15? I mean the Host Layer & Application Layer. 

Parents Reply
  • It can be used as a co-processor for doing timing critical functionality, ensuring it doesn't impact the ARM core running the communication stacks. This can be for instance bit banging serial interfaces that can't work with interrupts and similar features. Since it is a processor you can do a lot with it but that may drive up SW complexity so you need to look into what makes sense to you to move. Doing pre-processing/post processing of data may also be interesting as that can be done with minimum interaction between the cores -> doesn't increase system SW complexity.

    If you are new to the game then I would not start looking at using both cores, I would try with the ARM only and when you run into issues that can't be easily solved with the single core, then you look into using the FLPR.

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