Has anyone tried using CppUTest with a Zephyr/nRFConnect SDK based project for unit testing?

I know that Zephyr supports its own test framework ZTest, but I have used CppUTest extensively on past projects.  

I'm also using Quantum Leaps QP (for which there is a Zephyr port) in my project for all of the state machines and there is a nice third party library that is used for testing active objects (cpputest-for-qpc) that requires CppUTest.   What I'd like to do is have a separate build target for testing that would abstract out all hardware specific calls (i.e. gpio, spi, ble, etc..) and pull in CppUTest and cpputest-for-qpc as well as the unit tests as part of that target build. Is this at all possible with the NCS build environment?
