Bluetooth Mesh Samples and Smartphone connection

Hi, I am having trouble with the connection of my mesh nodes and my Smartphone over the nRF Mesh App.

After flashing my boards ( nRF - 52833, 52840, and 7002), most of the time the provisioning phase is done successful, but after my Smartphone disconnects from the established mesh network, i have trouble connecting to it again.

Most of the time i can reconnect once per Node, after reconnecting my smartphone to the Mesh and disconnecting again, the node over which i connected won't show up, until i have no proxy node left to connect to.

I am using the Samples light, light switch and light dimmer.

I have not edited the samples, therefore the proxy config settings should by set correctly.

p.s. after disconnecting my phone from the network, the nodes are still connected to each other, as I can send events to the other nodes.

Thank you in advance for your support, I hope we can fix this issue.

  • Hi Mika, 
    I'm also suspecting that the Proxy setting has been disabled. 
    Could you let me know which SDK version you are using ? 
    Please be noted that when you use nRF Mesh app and try to read Proxy State , after you click READ STATE, it shloud show "READ STATE OFF" . This mean the Proxy state is ON and you can click OFF to turn it OFF. 
    If you see READ STATE ON , then it means the proxy feature is turned off. 

  • Hi Mika, 
    I'm also suspecting that the Proxy setting has been disabled. 
    Could you let me know which SDK version you are using ? 
    Please be noted that when you use nRF Mesh app and try to read Proxy State , after you click READ STATE, it shloud show "READ STATE OFF" . This mean the Proxy state is ON and you can click OFF to turn it OFF. 
    If you see READ STATE ON , then it means the proxy feature is turned off. 

  • Hi Hung,
    Thank you for your fast reply, I am using the zephyr sdk version 0.16.8, the nrf Connect SDK v2.9.99 and working with this VsCode docker:

    I will update the zephyr version to 0.17.0, as my docker indicates it as required and the 0.16.8 version as out-dated.

    Reading the proxy state works btw, after clicking read state, it displays read state OFF.

    Next wednesday, i will let you know, if updating the sdk fixed the issue, as i am then working on this project again.

  • Hi Mika, 
    You can try using nRF Connect app to scan for advertising packet to see if you can see the device advertise as Mesh Proxy (connectable mesh device). 

    I would suggest to try testing with the nRF Connect SDK stable version v2.9.0. 

  • Hi Hung,
    Thank you for your advice, i am now using the nRF SDK v2.8.0 (have not tested the v2.9.0), and most of the time it is working as expected, I just had to restart my phone once, as something went wrong with the connection.

    Referring to your first suggestion, before changing the SDK, I was able to see the Mesh devices in the nRF Mesh app, but could only connect once per device. After connecting and disconnecting from a device, i could only see the N/A Bluetooth Mesh devices and not the actual (in my case Mesh light) nodes.

    Thank you for your help :)
