The nRF52840 is not being recognized, and LED5 is continuously blinking.


I have been using the nRF52840 for a long time, and everything was working fine. However, now LED5 starts blinking whenever the USB is connected to J2. I have tried several methods, such as uninstalling and reinstalling J-Link, but the issue persists.

Additionally, when I press the BOOT button and power cycle the board, I do not see any bootloader folder in the file explorer. I have also tried changing the USB cable, but that did not help.

I am not sure what to do next. Please help me resolve this issue.

Thank you.

Parents Reply
  • Hi Kenneth,

    I followed the mentioned steps, but unfortunately, I was unable to restore the board to its normal condition. However, the code is still running, but the board is not being detected. I'm really not sure what happened to the dev kit, as it was working smoothly before.

    Please guide if at all any hardware side need to be fixed.

    Thank you for your support.
