Is it possible to output .out format files with SEGGER Embedded Studio for ARM?
If so, please tell me how to set it up.
Is it possible to output .out format files with SEGGER Embedded Studio for ARM?
If so, please tell me how to set it up.
I hav enot found any references to it, nor am I not familiar with (contemporary) uses of the .out format. Can you elaborate on what you need?
The .out file is required for cross-compilation in a unit testing tool called winAMS.
I see. However, I am not familiar with the file type or see any way to export to it via Segger Embedded Studio. If this is the .out format described here, perhaps you can also use the ELF (.elf) file (which is generated by Segger Embedded Studio)?
I see. However, I am not familiar with the file type or see any way to export to it via Segger Embedded Studio. If this is the .out format described here, perhaps you can also use the ELF (.elf) file (which is generated by Segger Embedded Studio)?