We are currently developing a solution where a Thingy91 acts as a BLE central. We have had a lot of issues with BLE when using the nRF52 as a HCI device being controlled by the nRF91. This is using the NCS v2.5.1
In the beginning there where issues with high data rates causing crashes but that was remedied by switching from lpuart to regular uart with flow control. We also switched to the LL_SW_SPLIT configuration option.
Now we have an issue of our application crashing while being idle for too long. The nRF91 parts keep working but the nRF52 halts and does breaks the BLE functionality. This is observed by just leaving the device scanning for bluetooth devices for about 7 minutes before becoming unresponsive. We believe it works better when using the LL_SOFTDEVICE but using that config option the BLE stack may end up unresponsive when receiving a lot of data without any way for the application to know.
So the question:
Is there any way to fix this? Are there any steps we can take towards increasing the BLE stack stability? This is critical to our application as the device needs to function without manual intervention.
Best regards,