nrfx_uarte tx_rx_non_blocking not work (nRF5340)

I'm just trying this sample: nrfx_uarte tx_rx_non_blocking, but this is what I can see in the terminal. Why those errors?

[00:00:00.253,479] <inf> NRFX_EXAMPLE: Starting nrfx_uarte non-blocking example.

[00:00:00.261,322] <inf> NRFX_EXAMPLE: Content of TX buffer: Nordic Semiconductor

[00:00:00.261,352] <inf> NRFX_EXAMPLE: Content of RX buffer:

[00:00:00.275,421] <inf> NRFX_EXAMPLE: UARTE event: 3

ASSERTION FAIL [p_cb->state == NRFX_DRV_STATE_INITIALIZED] @ WEST_TOPDIR/modules/hal/nordic/nrfx/drivers/src/nrfx_uarte.c:1628

[00:00:00.275,970] <err> os: r0/a1:  0x00000004  r1/a2:  0x0000065c  r2/a3:  0x00000002

[00:00:00.275,970] <err> os: r3/a4:  0x00000000 r12/ip:  0x00000014 r14/lr:  0x000077d1

[00:00:00.276,000] <err> os:  xpsr:  0x69000000

[00:00:00.276,000] <err> os: Faulting instruction address (r15/pc): 0x0000ade2

[00:00:00.276,031] <err> os: >>> ZEPHYR FATAL ERROR 4: Kernel panic on CPU 0

[00:00:00.276,062] <err> os: Current thread: 0x20000860 (unknown)

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