Trouble flashing nrf52840 dongle (Peripheral UART sample)

I am trying to port the BLE Peripheral UART sample to work on the nrf52840 dongle. It's not in the list of supported board but I don't see why it shouldn't work (at least, the BLE advertising part). I created a new app from the sample and created a build configuration for the nrf52840dongle. I then build the code which succeeds without error. Now, I can't use Visual Studio Code to flash the dongle so I followed the steps here:

I tried with both "merged.hex" and "zephyr.hex" but in both cases, when I use "nrf Connect for Mobile" to scan BLE devices, the dongle doesn't show up. I also tried the same procedure but with the GUI programmer but same error. All that happens after the flash succeeds, is that both leds light up (blue and green). I should mention that I successfully flashed a nrf52840dk which works as expected (the BLE device shows up when scanning with Nrf Connect for Mobile).

What am I doing wrong?

Some logs of what I tried:

~/code/nordic/peripheral_uart/build/peripheral_uart/zephyr$ nrfutil pkg generate --hw-version 52 --sd-req=0x00  --application zephyr.hex --application-version 1

|##      ##    ###    ########  ##    ## #### ##    ##  ######  |
|##  ##  ##   ## ##   ##     ## ###   ##  ##  ###   ## ##    ## |
|##  ##  ##  ##   ##  ##     ## ####  ##  ##  ####  ## ##       |
|##  ##  ## ##     ## ########  ## ## ##  ##  ## ## ## ##   ####|
|##  ##  ## ######### ##   ##   ##  ####  ##  ##  #### ##    ## |
|##  ##  ## ##     ## ##    ##  ##   ###  ##  ##   ### ##    ## |
| ###  ###  ##     ## ##     ## ##    ## #### ##    ##  ######  |
|You are not providing a signature key, which means the DFU     |
|files will not be signed, and are vulnerable to tampering.     |
|This is only compatible with a signature-less bootloader and is|
|not suitable for production environments.                      |

Zip created at
~/code/nordic/peripheral_uart/build/peripheral_uart/zephyr$ nrfutil device program --firmware --traits nordicDfu
[00:00:10] ###### 100% [2/2 DA8F3E6471E3] Programmed
~/code/nordic/peripheral_uart/build/peripheral_uart/zephyr$ cd ../../                                                          master
~/code/nordic/peripheral_uart/build$ nrfutil pkg generate --hw-version 52 --sd-req=0x00  --application merged.hex --application-version 1

|##      ##    ###    ########  ##    ## #### ##    ##  ######  |
|##  ##  ##   ## ##   ##     ## ###   ##  ##  ###   ## ##    ## |
|##  ##  ##  ##   ##  ##     ## ####  ##  ##  ####  ## ##       |
|##  ##  ## ##     ## ########  ## ## ##  ##  ## ## ## ##   ####|
|##  ##  ## ######### ##   ##   ##  ####  ##  ##  #### ##    ## |
|##  ##  ## ##     ## ##    ##  ##   ###  ##  ##   ### ##    ## |
| ###  ###  ##     ## ##     ## ##    ## #### ##    ##  ######  |
|You are not providing a signature key, which means the DFU     |
|files will not be signed, and are vulnerable to tampering.     |
|This is only compatible with a signature-less bootloader and is|
|not suitable for production environments.                      |

Zip created at
~/code/nordic/peripheral_uart/build$ nrfutil device program --firmware --traits nordicDfu                                            master
[00:00:10] ###### 100% [2/2 DA8F3E6471E3] Programmed

  • Update:

    I also tried to build and flash the "Bluetooth: Peripheral LBS" which according to its documentation supports the nrf52840 dongle. But after I flash nothing happens although the documentation states that the LED should be blinking.

    Here's the steps I followed

    1) I created a new application from sample

    2) Create a build configuration, keep all defaults except for the board which I change to nrf52840dongle/nrf52840.

    3) Click build.

    4) Put the dongle in bootloader mode (red led fading in/out).

    5) Open the Programmer, select device, add file, select build/merged.hex, click "Write".

    I tried with two different dongles to make sure it wasn't a hardware issue.

    What am I doing wrong?

  • Update:

    I also tried to build and flash the "Bluetooth: Peripheral LBS" which according to its documentation supports the nrf52840 dongle. But after I flash nothing happens although the documentation states that the LED should be blinking.

    Here's the steps I followed

    1) I created a new application from sample

    2) Create a build configuration, keep all defaults except for the board which I change to nrf52840dongle/nrf52840.

    3) Click build.

    4) Put the dongle in bootloader mode (red led fading in/out).

    5) Open the Programmer, select device, add file, select build/merged.hex, click "Write".

    I tried with two different dongles to make sure it wasn't a hardware issue.

    What am I doing wrong?
