how to flash a standalone firmware onto nRF5340DK


in my case I need to flash the nRF5340DK board with only a standalone merged_domains.hex, which I get from another co-worker, no source code. how to do it?

Best regards


Parents Reply
  • Well, two things to test. 

    - Try to Erase the board and then see if it still operates. If it does, then the obvious is that Erase isn't working.

    - If the device does not work, then Close the Programmer program and restart it. Reconnect to the device and read its internal memory (the Read button). It should be blank.

    if the device is blank, re-insert your file and program the device.

    Look on your computer for the Seggar Jlink tools and use the Jlink Flash tools to erase the device.

    If you reprogram and it still shows the old program, then all you can assume at this point is the .hex file is the old program

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