nRF5340 Dynamic Connection Event Length


I need to use two or more different event lengths for different modes. The event length should be set based on the mode before establishing a connection. I found that sdc_hci_cmd_vs_event_length_set() can be used for this purpose.

To implement this, I added the header:

Then, I tried to use the function with the following code:

However, I am unable to compile the project due to the following error:
"Undefined reference to sdc_hci_cmd_vs_event_length_set."

Could you help me understand why this error occurs? Are there additional header files or configurations required?

Can you please provide an example implementation to make integration easier?

  • Hi,

    Is your application based on any of our samples?

    Which NCS version do you use?

    Can you provide complete error log?

    Best regards,

  • Hi,

    Which NCS version do you use?

    NCS version 2.6.1.

    Is your application based on any of our samples?

    No, Our custom board code. 

    Please check the complete log.

  • Hi,

    Can you check if you have included CONFIG_BT_CTLR_SDC_MAX_CONN_EVENT_LEN_DEFAULT in your configuration for the bluetooth controller running on the network core as described in this ticket?

    Best regards,

Reply Children
  • Hi,

    Yes I am using this in the net core file (custom_nrf5340_cpunet_defconfig file.)

    I have tried removing this config, but still getting the same error.