Dear sir/madam
We have developed a remote-control system where we use nRF52840 and SDK 17.1.0
VDD is 3,0 V
We also use the library “app_button” where “button_high_accuracy” is disabled.
We have defined 6 buttons and use external pullup of 1 MΩ.
Power measurement is done by using Power Profile Kit 2
When no button is pushed, power consumption is approx. 20 µA
When we push a button and kept it pushed, we get a power consumption of approx. 278 µA.
Our circuit is quite simple: GPIO connected to a button with an external pullup of 1 MΩ. Simple calculation says that the currency drawn on that GPIO should be approx. 3 µA. So to my understanding power consumption with a button pushed should be approx. 23 µA.
So, I suspect there is something in app_button.c that generate the power consumption, but maybe I am wrong.
If someone have a hint of why this high currency consumption, I’ll be very happy.
Kind regards,