Is the VSS Pin (pin 103) connected internally to GND_Shield?

Dear Nordic Support Team,

 In the datasheet of the nrf9160 (nRF9160_PS_v2.2.pdf) the VSS pin appears in the section GPIO Electrical Specification, but I cannot find the information if it is internally connected to GND_Shield.

Best regards


  • Hello Stefan, 

    No sure what you are referring to. The GND_Shield pins of the nRF9160 are connected to Ground, similarly the VSS is connected to Ground. This is described in chapter 10 Hardware and layout. 

    Kind regards,

  • Hi ,

    thanks for your reply. I know that they have to be connected them to ground, my question is: Are they connected in the nrf9160?

    I tried to read VCC_GPIO on a custom board and was wondering why the readings are so far away from the 1.778 V I was measuring with an external Multimeter. The readings are outside the 4% DC error, and always lower than 1.779 V. I increased the aquisition time to 40 µs, but this did not solve the issue.

    When the modem was active the VCC_GPIO read with the ADC was even lower, so I thought that ground bouncing might be the issue and that it would be better to have the VSS pin routed to the star ground point separately from the GND_Shield pins (which I suspected to be the ground pins for the modem).

    But now I have set up this sample zephyr/samples/drivers/adc on a nRF9160-dk and this is what I read for the 1.8 V VCC_GPIO:

    - adc@e000, channel 1: 7621 = 1674 mV

    I use this devicetree setup for this channel:

        channel@1 {
            reg = <1>;
            zephyr,gain = "ADC_GAIN_1_6";
            zephyr,reference = "ADC_REF_INTERNAL";
            zephyr,acquisition-time = <ADC_ACQ_TIME_DEFAULT>;
            zephyr,input-positive = <NRF_SAADC_VDD>;
            zephyr,resolution = <14>;
            zephyr,oversampling = <8>;

    Do you have an idea why the reading is so wrong?

  • What version of nRF Connect SDK are you using? Could you share your project?

    Stefan Schmidt said:
    But now I have set up this sample zephyr/samples/drivers/adc on a nRF9160-dk and this is what I read for the 1.8 V VCC_GPIO:

    I would like to test and see if I get the same result.


    Hi ,

     please find attached the zipped adc folder from zephyr/samples/drivers. I am using nRF Connect SDK v2.6.1, and simply zipped the adc folder after deleting the build directory.

    I have build it with 'west build -b nrf9160dk_nrf9160_ns', in the prj.conf you can see that I am using Segger RTT for logging.
