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Questions Regarding Establishing Connection

Hi All, We are in design Phase of our product and would like to use NRF52 Chipsets for it. Please Clarify our query regarding it.

I have two Nordic NRF52 Chipsets , One acting as Central and other as Peripheral . This Peripheral is a Smart Watch that also Communiactes with a Smart Phone(Central).

Here are my queries,

  1. Initially I will not be aware of the addresses of Smart Phone and the Other NRF52 Kit. How to add these in my whitelist.(I dont want any other Central to Connect to my Peripheral)

  2. Is there any other way to limit the connection establishment only with these Centrals?

  3. If Disconnection happens , is there any way for autoreconnection?


    1. You would have to bond with the central devices to get the address and IRK of these. I would use a pairing mode, where you advertise without a whitelist to pair with a device. This should be entered manually by the user

    2. When bonded, used the whitelist unless the user tell the watch to bond with a new device. In addition you could use a lower tx output power to limit the range of the device while in pairing mode. For authenticathion you should use MITM. This way you will have to be able to see the passkey on the watch to succesfully bond with the device.

    3. This can be handled on an application level. Basically the central will have to start scanning for the peripheral when the connection is lost, and the peripheral will have to advertise.

  • @run_ar - can you point to an example in the SDK where this bonding is performed?

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