Problem of Central_multilink data manage

Hi,nordic team

I am programming with ncs v2.9.0,nrf52833

And i am doing central multilink whick should support max 6 peripheral devices connected.Now it can connect to multi peripherals but I dont know how to manage data from peripherals.

Peripherals is base on sample\peripheral_hid_keyboads.

I wonder what should I do to get data from ble in central code,which configs should be done?And what API should i call to get data from ble?These seem not be contented in central_multilink sample.

Best regard

Parents Reply
  • Hi Martin, 
    Please provide your code. 
    If you take a look at the nus_client.c where we handle the NUS service on the central. You can find that in on_received() we do have the conn variable that can tell which connection the data arrive on. 
    Or in bt_nus_subscribe_receive() where we subscribe to a service we will provide the nus_c->conn as the connection identify. You need to write your code to handle the connections bt_conn to identify each connection. 

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