we have 6 custom board with nRF52840 we are able to flash test codes in 2 boards , while 4 boards give
Error :No Cortex-M SW Device Found . this is in nrf sdk .
when we connect the boards in nRF connect for desktop the following
error msg is found in nRF log file :
5:22:58.183 Error: Failed with exit code 1. One or more batch tasks failed: - [jlink] INVALID_OPERATION, code: Nrfjlink. Message: Batch task protection-get failed, [jlink] INVALID_OPERATION.
15:22:58.183 Error: Failed with exit code 1. One or more batch tasks failed: - [jlink] INVALID_OPERATION, code: Nrfjlink. Message: Batch task protection-get failed, [jlink] INVALID_OPERATION.
15:23:09.368 Error: Failed with exit code 1. Failed to device info one or more devices: * 1050275963: [jlink] Unable to fetch device-info, code: Generic. Message: Operation device-info failed, [jlink] Unable to fetch device-info.
15:23:12.649 Reading readback protection status for Application core
15:23:12.652 Reading readback protection status for Application core 0%
15:23:12.765 Failed "reading readback protection status for application core". Error: code: 9, description: Nrfjlink, message: Batch task protection-get failed, [jlink] INVALID_OPERATION
15:23:12.968 Error: Failed with exit code 1. One or more batch tasks failed: - [jlink] INVALID_OPERATION, code: Nrfjlink. Message: Batch task protection-get failed, [jlink] INVALID_OPERATION.
5:22:58.183 Error: Failed with exit code 1. One or more batch tasks failed: - [jlink] INVALID_OPERATION, code: Nrfjlink. Message: Batch task protection-get failed, [jlink] INVALID_OPERATION.
15:22:58.183 Error: Failed with exit code 1. One or more batch tasks failed: - [jlink] INVALID_OPERATION, code: Nrfjlink. Message: Batch task protection-get failed, [jlink] INVALID_OPERATION.
15:23:09.368 Error: Failed with exit code 1. Failed to device info one or more devices: * 1050275963: [jlink] Unable to fetch device-info, code: Generic. Message: Operation device-info failed, [jlink] Unable to fetch device-info.
15:23:12.649 Reading readback protection status for Application core
15:23:12.652 Reading readback protection status for Application core 0%
15:23:12.765 Failed "reading readback protection status for application core". Error: code: 9, description: Nrfjlink, message: Batch task protection-get failed, [jlink] INVALID_OPERATION
15:23:12.968 Error: Failed with exit code 1. One or more batch tasks failed: - [jlink] INVALID_OPERATION, code: Nrfjlink. Message: Batch task protection-get failed, [jlink] INVALID_OPERATION.
what could be the issue ? how to resolve this issue please suggest . thanks in advance