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SPI with Softdevice

Good morning.

I ´m working with nrf51-dk, sdk 9.0.0 and softdevice 110.

I have done a proyect without softdevice, only uart and master spi (mode 0) and works perfect.

Here code of the spi_init

void spi_master_inicio(void){
spi_master_config_t configuracion_SPI = SPI_MASTER_INIT_DEFAULT;

    //Configuramos SPI
	configuracion_SPI.SPI_Freq = SPI_FREQUENCY_FREQUENCY_K125;
    configuracion_SPI.SPI_Pin_SCK  = pin_clk;	    //12		
    configuracion_SPI.SPI_Pin_MISO = pin_miso;		//17
    configuracion_SPI.SPI_Pin_MOSI = pin_mosi;		//15
    configuracion_SPI.SPI_Pin_SS   = pin_ss;	    //20 

	//modo 0
	configuracion_SPI.SPI_CONFIG_CPOL = SPI_CONFIG_CPOL_ActiveHigh;			// 0
    configuracion_SPI.SPI_CONFIG_CPHA = SPI_CONFIG_CPHA_Leading;			// 0

    //Inicializa la comunicacion SPI
    uint32_t err_code = spi_master_open(SPI_MASTER_0, &configuracion_SPI);
    if (err_code != NRF_SUCCESS){
		printf("Error al abrir la conexion \n\r");

    //Registramos el controlador de eventos relacionado con la comunicacion SPI
    spi_master_evt_handler_reg(SPI_MASTER_0, controlador_evento_SPI);

The problem is when I add the spi to a BLE proyect, with pins (12, 17, 15, 20) doesn´t work but if I change pins to (1, 3, 5, 6) works, but i can´t use this pins because I use the analog pins to the accelerometer.

I read this, this and lf similar posts in forum, but i don´t understand why with ones pins works and with others no. My question is if softdevice has some pins blocks, i read "S110 SoftDevice Specification v2.0" and says that application has full access.

Thank you.

  • All GPIO's are available to the application even when the SoftDevice is used. Are you using custom HW or are you using e.g. the DK? Pin 17 and 20 are connected to buttons on the DK, though it should not matter as long as you do not press the button. However you should verify that you have not configured the buttons, possibly indirectly using the BSP library.

  • All GPIO's are available to the application even when the SoftDevice is used. Are you using custom HW or are you using e.g. the DK? Pin 17 and 20 are connected to buttons on the DK, though it should not matter as long as you do not press the button. However you should verify that you have not configured the buttons, possibly indirectly using the BSP library.

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