Our company makes module using nRF52840. And we also make development kit with it.
I recently programmed open bootloader built-in hex in nRF5 SDK v17.1.0 (examples\dfu\open_bootloader\pca10059_usb_debug\hex\open_bootloader~.hex)
And it worked well. I did build source code(examples\dfu\open_bootloader\pca10059_usb_debug) with IAR IDE. And then I wrote hex. But it didn't work.
I need to modify source code for LED action.
Please let me know configuration for built-in hex(examples\dfu\open_bootloader\pca10059_usb_debug\hex\open_bootloader_usb_mbr_pca10059_debug.hex) or release source code for it.
Thank you.