I'm trying to improve the permit join-handling in our project. Right now we're simply hammering the zBoss stack with bdb_start_top_level_commissioning(ZB_BDB_NETWORK_STEERING), but I'd like to do it with a bit more finesse.
When permit join is enabled and when it times out and disables I get a ZB_NWK_SIGNAL_PERMIT_JOIN_STATUS, however I can't see if there's any indication in the callback if the network is opened or closed. Signal status is always 0 (OK) and that's the only information I can figure out exists.
Now, as I've understood timeout for permit join is hard coded to 3 minutes. I can live with that, but my questions are:
1. Is there a way to see if the network is open or closed? Either in the callback or by an API call to zBoss?
2. Is it possible to turn off permit join or will it always run for 3 minutes?