Using radio_test to test communication between two devices

Previously, I compiled and downloaded the radio_test example into two DK boards.

I then used the CLI to set the parameters for each board one as TX one as RX

On setting the TRANSMIT_PATTERN to a fixed pattern I was able to get transmission from one board to another.

Unfortunately, I don't have the sequence of commands I used for this test - I think I got them from a post somewhere on the DevZone, but I've been through all the posts and can't seem to find it again. All attempts I've tried result is 0's being received as data.

Could you let me know the commands to issue on each board to show data transmission from one to the other ?


Parents Reply Children
  • Thank you, this is what I was looking for.

    The earlier example documentation I looked at did not give the details of running the two units in a test, but did give the commands that could be used.

    Thanks for the help


  • I am now able to get this to work. I think the missing command was the start_channel 40

    However I do have one further question on this:

    The transmit_pattern is set to 1111 0000 (0xF0, or 240)

    I see the received data is 240 for all except the very first item, which reports as 255

    With transmit_pattern set to 1100 1100 (0xCC 204)

    I see received data as mostly 204, but again the first item is 255

    and one other data item is 207

    Can you explain why this might be ?

    Also, I note the help on transmit_pattern shows an incorrect pattern.

    pattern_11110000 :Set the transmission pattern to 11110000.
    pattern_11001100 :Set the transmission pattern to 10101010.  <<<<<< Shows wrong pattern


  • araucaria said:
    pattern_11001100 :Set the transmission pattern to 10101010.  <<<<<< Shows wrong pattern

    Thanks for the report! I'll let the right people know.

    araucaria said:
    I see the received data is 240 for all except the very first item, which reports as 255

    I am not sure, though that could be a header byte. Are all the other bytes there? And parameters_print shows the right info?


