Hello everyone,
I trying to configure my MDBT50Q-U512k to use the ble_app_nus example. According to my board, I need change to uart pins defined in this example. Then, I have problems to configure it. My schematic is:
and the defult uart_init funcion is:
static void uart_init(void) { uint32_t err_code; app_uart_comm_params_t const comm_params = { .rx_pin_no = RX_PIN_NUMBER, .tx_pin_no = TX_PIN_NUMBER, .rts_pin_no = RTS_PIN_NUMBER, .cts_pin_no =CTS_PIN_NUMBER, .flow_control = APP_UART_FLOW_CONTROL_DISABLED, .use_parity = false, #if defined (UART_PRESENT) .baud_rate = NRF_UART_BAUDRATE_115200 #else .baud_rate = NRF_UARTE_BAUDRATE_115200 #endif }; APP_UART_FIFO_INIT(&comm_params, UART_RX_BUF_SIZE, UART_TX_BUF_SIZE, uart_event_handle, APP_IRQ_PRIORITY_LOWEST, err_code); APP_ERROR_CHECK(err_code); }
where the default pins are:
#define RX_PIN_NUMBER 8
#define TX_PIN_NUMBER 6
#define CTS_PIN_NUMBER 7
#define RTS_PIN_NUMBER 5
#define HWFC true
but to my code I modified according to my schematic, but the tx pin doesn't work.
static void uart_init(void) { uint32_t err_code; app_uart_comm_params_t const comm_params = { .rx_pin_no = 19,//RX_PIN_NUMBER, .tx_pin_no = 5, //TX_PIN_NUMBER, .rts_pin_no = 23,//RTS_PIN_NUMBER, .cts_pin_no = 3,//CTS_PIN_NUMBER, .flow_control = APP_UART_FLOW_CONTROL_DISABLED, .use_parity = false, #if defined (UART_PRESENT) .baud_rate = NRF_UART_BAUDRATE_115200 #else .baud_rate = NRF_UARTE_BAUDRATE_115200 #endif }; APP_UART_FIFO_INIT(&comm_params, UART_RX_BUF_SIZE, UART_TX_BUF_SIZE, uart_event_handle, APP_IRQ_PRIORITY_LOWEST, err_code); APP_ERROR_CHECK(err_code); }
I developed according to datasheet (see top view pins below)
Anyone can help me to solve it? Regards