Matter Generic Switch not working on reset

Just starting out developing for Nordic Devices and I've got a very basic generic switch working on the nrf52840 DK. I've commissioned it with Apple Home Kit / Apple TV serving as the thread border router. I'm able to assign actions to the device in the Apple Home App and it's working fine. The problem comes when I unplug or reset the board; when the device restarts the actions do not work. Any help would be much appreciated!

Using: nrf Connect SDK 2.9.0

Here is my code from app_task:

 * Copyright (c) 2021 Nordic Semiconductor ASA
 * SPDX-License-Identifier: LicenseRef-Nordic-5-Clause

#include "app_task.h"

#include "app/matter_init.h"
#include "app/task_executor.h"
#include "board/board.h"
#include "lib/core/CHIPError.h"
#include "lib/support/CodeUtils.h"

#include "dfu/ota/ota_util.h"

#include <app/clusters/identify-server/identify-server.h>
#include <app/server/OnboardingCodesUtil.h>
#include <app/clusters/switch-server/switch-server.h>
 #include <app-common/zap-generated/attributes/Accessors.h>

#include <zephyr/logging/log.h>


using namespace ::chip;
using namespace ::chip::app;
using namespace ::chip::DeviceLayer;

constexpr EndpointId kSwitchEndpointId = 1;

Identify sIdentify = { kSwitchEndpointId, AppTask::IdentifyStartHandler, AppTask::IdentifyStopHandler,
		Clusters::Identify::IdentifyTypeEnum::kVisibleIndicator };



void AppTask::IdentifyStartHandler(Identify *)
		[] { Nrf::GetBoard().GetLED(Nrf::DeviceLeds::LED2).Blink(Nrf::LedConsts::kIdentifyBlinkRate_ms); });

void AppTask::IdentifyStopHandler(Identify *)
	Nrf::PostTask([] { Nrf::GetBoard().GetLED(Nrf::DeviceLeds::LED2).Set(false); });

void AppTask::ButtonEventHandler(Nrf::ButtonState state, Nrf::ButtonMask hasChanged)
	uint8_t currentPosition = 1;
    // Check if the application button (e.g., DK_BTN2) has been released.
    // The button is considered released when its bit is cleared in the current state.
		Clusters::SwitchServer::Instance().OnInitialPress(kSwitchEndpointId, currentPosition);

		DeviceLayer::SystemLayer().ScheduleLambda([currentPosition] {
			Clusters::Switch::Attributes::CurrentPosition::Set(kSwitchEndpointId, currentPosition);

CHIP_ERROR AppTask::Init()

	if (!Nrf::GetBoard().Init(ButtonEventHandler)) {
		LOG_ERR("User interface initialization failed.");

	ReturnErrorOnFailure(Nrf::Matter::RegisterEventHandler(Nrf::Board::DefaultMatterEventHandler, 0));

	return Nrf::Matter::StartServer();

CHIP_ERROR AppTask::StartApp()

	while (true) {

	return CHIP_NO_ERROR;

When the board reboots this is what I'm seeing in the serial output:

*** Using nRF Connect SDK v2.9.0-7787b2649840 ***
*** Using Zephyr OS v3.7.99-1f8f3dc29142 ***
I: 52 [DL]BLE address: C2:10:93:DA:01:9B
I: 61 [DL]CHIP task running
I: Init CHIP stack
I: 101 [DL]OpenThread ifconfig up and thread start
I: 106 [DL]OpenThread started: OK
I: 112 [DL]Setting OpenThread device type to SLEEPY END DEVICE
D: Registered new test event: 0xffffffff00000000
D: Registered new test event: 0xffffffff10000000
I: 127 [SVR]Subscription persistence not supported
I: 132 [SVR]Server initializing...
I: 136 [TS]Last Known Good Time: 2025-03-23T13:20:03
I: 145 [FP]Fabric index 0x1 was retrieved from storage. Compressed FabricId 0xBF3EABE8BCEC00C9, FabricId 0x0000000027BEB782, NodeId 0x00000000D604F08D, VendorId 0x1349
I: 163 [FP]Fabric index 0x2 was retrieved from storage. Compressed FabricId 0xE5C463F8148D9844, FabricId 0x00000000BD2EB1F1, NodeId 0x00000000CB07E45D, VendorId 0x1384
I: 179 [DMG]AccessControl: initializing
I: 182 [DMG]Examples::AccessControlDelegate::Init
I: 187 [DMG]AccessControl: setting
I: 190 [DMG]DefaultAclStorage: initializing
I: 198 [DMG]DefaultAclStorage: 2 entries loaded
D: 203 [IN]UDP::Init bind&listen port=5540
E: 207 [IN]IPV6_PKTINFO failed: 109
D: 211 [IN]UDP::Init bound to port=5540
D: 221 [IN]BLEBase::Init - setting/overriding transport
D: 227 [IN]TransportMgr initialized
D: 237 [DL]Using Thread extended MAC for hostname.
I: 244 [ZCL]Using ZAP configuration...
I: 250 [DMG]AccessControlCluster: initializing
D: 254 [DL]Boot reason: 1
I: 256 [ZCL]Initiating Admin Commissioning cluster.
I: 261 [SVR]Fabric already commissioned. Disabling BLE advertisement
D: 267 [DL]CHIPoBLE advertising set to off
I: 271 [DIS]Updating services using commissioning mode 0
E: 276 [DIS]Failed to remove advertised services: 3
D: 281 [DL]Using Thread extended MAC for hostname.
I: 285 [DIS]Advertise operational node BF3EABE8BCEC00C9-00000000D604F08D
E: 292 [DIS]Failed to advertise operational node: 3
E: 296 [DIS]Failed to finalize service update: 3
I: 301 [IN]CASE Server enabling CASE session setups
D: 307 [IN]SecureSession[0x200036a8]: Allocated Type:2 LSID:57680
I: 334 [DL]SRP Client was started, detected server: fdfa:ccdd:eab3:0000:0000:00ff:fe00:fc11
I: 343 [SVR]Joining Multicast groups
I: 348 [SVR]Server Listening...
I: 351 [DL]Device Configuration:
I: 354 [DL] Serial Number:
I: 358 [DL] Vendor Id: 65521 (0xFFF1)
I: 361 [DL] Product Id: 32768 (0x8000)
I: 365 [DL] Product Name: not-specified
I: 369 [DL] Hardware Version: 0
I: 372 [DL] Setup Pin Code (0 for UNKNOWN/ERROR):
I: 377 [DL] Setup Discriminator (0xFFFF for UNKNOWN/ERROR): 3840 (0xF00)
I: 384 [DL] Manufacturing Date: 2022-01-01
I: 387 [DL] Device Type: 65535 (0xFFFF)
I: 391 [SVR]SetupQRCode: [MT:]
I: 396 [SVR]Copy/paste the below URL in a browser to see the QR Code:
I: 402 [SVR]
I: 411 [SVR]Manual pairing code: []
E: 415 [DL]Long dispatch time: 351 ms, for event type 2
D: 421 [DL]OpenThread State Changed (Flags: 0x00001000)
D: 429 [DL]OpenThread State Changed (Flags: 0x00001000)
D: 437 [DL]OpenThread State Changed (Flags: 0x00001000)
D: 447 [DL]OpenThread State Changed (Flags: 0x00000001)
D: 452 [DL] Thread Unicast Addresses:
D: 456 [DL] fd13:a8f:dd50:0:a177:eab1:ae4b:c4f/64 valid preferred
D: 462 [DL] fdfa:ccdd:eab3::ff:fe00:f434/64 valid preferred rloc
D: 468 [DL] fdfa:ccdd:eab3:0:fbdd:3f43:dcc6:c032/64 valid preferred
D: 475 [DL] fe80::f4ca:be41:9ce7:dc6f/64 valid preferred
D: 484 [DL]OpenThread State Changed (Flags: 0x00000008)
D: 491 [DL]OpenThread State Changed (Flags: 0x01000000)
D: 499 [DL]OpenThread State Changed (Flags: 0x00000004)
D: 504 [DL] Device Role: CHILD
D: 509 [DL]OpenThread State Changed (Flags: 0x00000001)
D: 514 [DL] Thread Unicast Addresses:
D: 518 [DL] fd13:a8f:dd50:0:a177:eab1:ae4b:c4f/64 valid preferred
D: 525 [DL] fdfa:ccdd:eab3::ff:fe00:f434/64 valid preferred rloc
D: 531 [DL] fdfa:ccdd:eab3:0:fbdd:3f43:dcc6:c032/64 valid preferred
D: 538 [DL] fe80::f4ca:be41:9ce7:dc6f/64 valid preferred
D: 547 [DL]OpenThread State Changed (Flags: 0x00001000)
D: 557 [DL]OpenThread State Changed (Flags: 0x00001000)
D: 565 [DL]OpenThread State Changed (Flags: 0x00000020)
D: 573 [DL]OpenThread State Changed (Flags: 0x00000084)
D: 578 [DL] Device Role: CHILD
D: 581 [DL] Partition Id: 0x657B5209
D: 587 [DL]OpenThread State Changed (Flags: 0x00000200)
D: 594 [DL]OpenThread State Changed (Flags: 0x00000001)
D: 599 [DL] Thread Unicast Addresses:
D: 603 [DL] fd13:a8f:dd50:0:a177:eab1:ae4b:c4f/64 valid preferred
D: 609 [DL] fdfa:ccdd:eab3::ff:fe00:f434/64 valid preferred rloc
D: 616 [DL] fdfa:ccdd:eab3:0:fbdd:3f43:dcc6:c032/64 valid preferred
D: 622 [DL] fe80::f4ca:be41:9ce7:dc6f/64 valid preferred
D: 1070 [DL]SRP update succeeded
I: 1073 [SVR]Server initialization complete
I: 1077 [DIS]Updating services using commissioning mode 0
D: 1082 [DL]Using Thread extended MAC for hostname.
I: 1087 [DIS]Advertise operational node BF3EABE8BCEC00C9-00000000D604F08D
I: 1094 [DL]advertising srp service: BF3EABE8BCEC00C9-00000000D604F08D._matter._tcp
D: 1101 [DL]Using Thread extended MAC for hostname.
I: 1106 [DIS]Advertise operational node E5C463F8148D9844-00000000CB07E45D
I: 1113 [DL]advertising srp service: E5C463F8148D9844-00000000CB07E45D._matter._tcp
I: 1125 [SWU]Stopping the watchdog timer
I: 1129 [SWU]Starting the periodic query timer, timeout: 86400 seconds
D: 1658 [DL]SRP update succeeded
I: 7923 [ZCL]SwitchServer: OnInitialPress

Parents Reply Children
  • Hi,

    Did you set it up as an automation in Apple Home, as described under "Create an automation based on an accessory's action" here Are you still seeing the automation in the Home app after the device has reset? And can you see that you press the button in the app?

    Based on the log the device seems to rejoin the Thread network and Matter fabric. However, I see that the device has two Matter fabrics stored. Have you added it to two different fabrics? If so, do you see the same problem when it is only added to one fabric?

    Best regards,

  • No it wasn't a scene that was set, the button was assigned actions directly on devices in apple home app. Eg. switch on a specific light globe.

    Strange that it's registered to two different fabrics. The device was erased and flashed entirely and it was commissioned only using the apple home app.

    I'm in the process of setting up chip to test if the same occurs on a different fabric but I guess my question is, is there anything in the code that might be causing it? When the OnInitialPress method is called from the switch server it appears to be logging the InitialPress event but not actually transmitting it which you can see in the last entry of the seirial logs "I: 7923 [ZCL]SwitchServer: OnInitialPress"
