The Modem library must be enabled by CONFIG_NRF_MODEM_LIB to be included in the build


Using Visual Studio Code, when I build asset_tracker_v2 in NCS v2.9.1, for nrf9160dk/nrf9160.ns, I keep getting the problem shown in the subject line


    "resource": "/home/burt/ncs/v2.9.1/nrf/applications/asset_tracker_v2/src/main.c",
    "owner": "Kconfig options",
    "code": "missing_kconfig_param",
    "severity": 4,
    "message": "The Modem library must be enabled by CONFIG_NRF_MODEM_LIB to be included in the build",
    "startLineNumber": 14,
    "startColumn": 1,
    "endLineNumber": 14,
    "endColumn": 33

Of course, that CONFIG option is set, the build completes, but I get this ridiculous message AND when I view the source code for asset_tracker_v2/src/main.c, that line is highlighted yellow with the same complaint when I hover. NOTE: the line is actually line 12 but I had added a couple of lines


just to show that the VS Code system is giving me a bunch of (maybe just one) nonsense problems.

I hope you won't tell me this is par for the course when using VS Code. PLEASE I BEG YOU do not tell me that!!!


Burt S.

  • Okay, I think I found another ticket that explains the problem. Case 338073. I will read the Application contexts part of your VS Code document and see if there is anything to improve the situation other than selecting the correct context or whatever, in the Application on the left hand side of VS Code. If you have any other advice, let me know. Very tricky/not so friendly!
