I am struggling getting my production programming script to work in a way where I get everything programmed including the App being validated...
For some reason it stays in bootloader mode after programming
What am i missing
Programming script:
@echo off echo.|time echo Erasing the chip... nrfjprog.exe -e echo. echo Programming SoftDevice S332 nrfjprog.exe --program hex\ANT_s332_nrf52_7.0.1.hex --verify echo. echo Programming Secure Bootloader version 01 nrfjprog.exe --program hex\secure_bootloader_ble_s132_pca10040.hex --verify echo. echo Programming N52 FW version nrfjprog.exe --program hex\ble_app_cscs_pca10040_s132.hex --verify echo. echo Programming settings hex file nrfjprog.exe --program hex\settings.hex --sectorerase -r
The hex files are production builds
And I am unsure what the settings file does - it is generated as follows
nrfutil settings generate --family NRF52 --application ~/Dropbox/BodyBike/SES_Files/ble_app_cscs_pca10040_s132.hex --application-version 0xFFFFFFFF --bootloader-version 1 --bl-settings-version 2 settings.hex