I have been trying to figure out how to enable coexistence between Bluetooth low energy and the nRF7002 and I have some questions.
1. In the nRF Connect SDK documentation 3 signals are listed (req, status0, grant) which are quite clear how they work. In the device tree definition for the nRF7002 DK (at https://github.com/zephyrproject-rtos/zephyr/blob/main/boards/nordic/nrf7002dk/nrf7002dk_nrf5340_cpunet.dts#L85) there is a 4th signal listed, swctrl1, which confuses me a bit. As I understand the nRF7002 PS, docs.nordicsemi.com/.../coexistence.html, this signal is an output from the nRF7002 for controlling an antenna switch. Should this be connected directly to an antenna switch or go via the Bluetooth host? If it should go via the host I assume there would be another pin definition to control the switch from the Bluetooth host?
2. If you do not plan to use shared antenna mode will this pin be obsolete and should just be removed fromt he device tree and left unconnected on the nRF7002?
3. Does the coexistence driver in nRF Connect SDK automatically configure the nRF7002 based on the device tree definitions, for example if the 4th pin should be used for Bluetooth LE Priority instead of as an antenna switch control?