Hi,Nordic team
I am programming with nrf52833,ncs v2.9.0,base on peripheral_hids_keyboards and central_hids.
On central I call bt_hogp_rep_write_wo_rsp can only send one Byte at one time,and mtu is 23(it should be sent 20Bytes at least).
my call is
uint8_t data = 0x01;
bt_hogp_rep_write_wo_rsp(hogp, hogp->rep_boot.kbd_out, data, len, write_cb);
//upper is ok,I can catch data in peripheral
uint8_t data[8] = {0x01, 0x02, 0x03,0x04,0x05,0x06,0x07,0x08};
bt_hogp_rep_write_wo_rsp(hogp, hogp->rep_boot.kbd_out, data, len, write_cb);//this is not ok but return 0(success),and cannot catch data in peripheral
Best regard