I plan to use AuTerm to receive some data through 2M phy and coded phy, as I know the coded phy can not be scaned.
Thank you!
I plan to use AuTerm to receive some data through 2M phy and coded phy, as I know the coded phy can not be scaned.
Thank you!
I do not have any experience with AuTerm, but from waht I see it is fundamentally a terminal emulator. I did not understand the over all probelm or what you want to achieve here, though. Can you explain in a bit more detail what you want to achieve and what the question is? (If the question is AuTerm specific I suggest asking on that projects guitub page under Discussions.)
I want to use my computer to receive the coded phy data without a central DK connected to my compurter, which is much simpler
Do you mean that you want your PC with AuTerm act as NUS central device but without the NUS central DK connected to PC?
Do you mean that you want your PC with AuTerm act as NUS central device but without the NUS central DK connected to PC?
Hi, could you please give me some information about this?
You want to use a PC without a nordic device connected, so using the native Bluetooth device on board? If so, we so not have any specific advice on that, and dependin on the OS there are different Bluetooth APIs etc. I am not able to make any specific advice without knowing more though (and generally, we do not provide generic Bluetooth PC side tools, they are all development tools intended to interface with an nRF device).